Sunday, December 17, 2023

Theft in Sleepy Hollow - A Review


The Second Sophie's Adventure Mystery 

Jeanne Sophie Poisson is ready for a well deserved vacation from her job as a police secretary in Calais. Planning on letting her hair down with her best friend in Paris, she soon learns her vacation is starting early. And she's not going to Paris. Instead she's headed to Sleepy Hollow, New York accompanied by her "Uncle Arthur". There the pair will take a painting workshop given by a devious painter...who may well be a thief. Will Sophie be able to save a Monet? 

I've always found art theft compelling. Famous paintings worth millions spirited away, most likely bought by a millionaire to be secreted away. While I admit that I'd love to have an original Degas, I'm content with the prints hanging on my walls. Going undercover to prevent such a theft-what fun! I love how Sophie made due with supplies and I giggle at her love of wigs. Sophie and "Uncle Arthur" make a great team and I appreciate how they work together.

A bit longer than the first book in the series, THEFT IN SLEEPY HOLLOW is still short, yet still packed with intrigue and fun. I admit I laughed at Sophie's ignorance about the LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW. Being from New York state, I suppose I think everyone should be familiar with this story. I also loved the surprise at the end. While not Paris fun with her bestie, Sophie still manages a little vacation fun.

With an intriguing plot and a few surprises THEFT IN SLEEPY HOLLOW is a delightful adventure.


  1. Yes, I enjoyed writing Sophie’s reaction to the Legend of Sleepy Hollow!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I always enjoy revisiting the Legend of Sleepy Hollow!
