Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Currently Reading...

I'm currently reading Buried on a Sundae by Lena Gregory. This book is the fourth in the Coffee & Cream Café Mystery series and was released last month.

Danika Delaney is attempting her third date with the dishy Detective Jake Barlow. After all, third time's the charm, right? Unfortunately, after a misstep on her part, he bails after a call from another woman. To lift her spirits she, Gwen, and Eli head for a night out at a popular new hot spot. But instead of  a fun night of drinks and dancing with friends she sees Jake cozying up to the owner's wife. Is he two, or even three timing her? Things get even worse when Danika finds a body in the sand. Could Jake not only be a cheat, but a dirty cop? He certainly couldn't be a murderer. Could he? Dani and her pals have their sleuthing hats on once more to get to the bottom of things. And Dani will hope against hope that it isn't three strikes you're out.

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