Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Currently Reading...

I am currently reading Murder on the Med by Nancy Cole Silverman. This book is the third in the Kat Lawson Mystery series and was released yesterday.

A former investigative reporter now working for the FBI, Kat Lawson has certainly earned a vacation. Her cover magazine, Travel International, has arranged a cruise for her along the Amalfi Coast. She's to relax and write a puff piece about her ship, the Athena, which is actually a traveling home for wealthy retired senior citizens. However, two elderly women say that their friend, Dede Drummerhausen, whose cabin Kat is subletting, did not leave the ship as planned. They believe she was pushed overboard, possibly murdered! When Kat finds a gold coin hidden in her cabin, she wonders if something sinister could really be going on. Antiquities theft? Murder? So much for a peaceful relaxing vacation!

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