Friday, June 21, 2024

One of You - A Review


ONE OF YOU by Lorie Lewis Ham
The Second Tower District Mystery 
Adjusting to life in the Tower district Roxi Carlucci is more than happy to help out with the Halloween Mysteryfest created by her friend, bookstore owner and Booktuber, Clark Halliwell. While interested in the plays and other events featured, Roxi is most looking forward to meeting Marilyn Bradford, the Queen of Cozy Mysteries. After putting our a few fires, Roxi is ready to mingle with the authors at the mixer. While munching she notices a few arguments and tension, even Marilyn, known for being nice and good-natured, seemed mad. After the festivities ended Roxi, finds Clark next to a mess of books on the floor, under which lies Marilyn…dead. Who could have killed the charming Queen of Cozy Mysteries? Did it have something to do with the surprise she intended to share at the event? Roxi and her cousin, Stephen, are immediately hired to investigate. Will the two PIs be able to assist the police and find the killer?

One thing that sets the Tower District Mysteries apart from other cozies is the pop culture references. Scooby Doo, Supernatural, Charmed, these TV shows bring smiles to fans, who can feel more of a kinship with Roxi through these fandoms. These references could, however, be problematic as not all readers may be familiar with them. I didn’t get them all though that didn’t mar the experience for me. I also really like the manner in which rescue animals are treated, especially those who, unfortunately, due to bad stereotypes are less likely to be adopted. I absolutely love Merlin and am thrilled that a pet rat is featured. Rats make wonderful pets and it’s nice to have that shown.

The mystery in ONE OF YOU had lots of twists and surprises, the first one being the murder victim. I thought for sure that the arrogant Edward, publisher and Marilyn’s husband would be killed! For the victim to be the nice Queen of Cozies herself, the very woman Roxi was fangirling over, was a stunner. I like the interplay our two PIs have with the police, showing a good working relationship instead of a snarky and adversarial one. It was also interesting to see that Tower Gossip is back continuing the overarching mystery, or non-mystery, about the deaths of Roxi’s parents as well as spouting tidbits about the current murder.

With a few Halloween tricks ONE OF YOU is a Halloween treat with a solid mystery showcasing friendship in a unique California enclave.

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