Monday, October 28, 2024

Caught on Camera - An Interview, Review, & Giveaway

I'm pleased to welcome Kara Lacey to Cozy Up With Kathy today. Lacey writes the Camera Club Mystery series. CAUGHT ON CAMERA is the first book in the series and was released last month.

Kathy: In CAUGHT ON CAMERA we meet Bobbie Brooks, a photographer in Vermont. Do you like to take photos? Do you consider yourself a photographer, or just a point and clicker?

KL: I consider myself a photography enthusiast. I have tons of enthusiasm and limited talent. When I first started spending time in Vermont, I was taken in by its natural beauty—the mountains and forest, the quaint villages, and the charming farms. I bought myself a camera and started learning. I take photos daily, mostly with my iPhone, but I still explore the area with my DSLR.

Kathy: Bobbie is a member of the local camera club. Do you belong to any clubs in your town?

KL: The idea for the camera club came from a suggestion that I start one. I’d been out taking photos and walked into my village’s country store with my camera hanging from my neck. A man approached me, curious about the photos I’d been taking. He suggested I start a club. The idea intrigued me, but with a full-time career in Boston, I only visited Vermont on weekends, and didn’t feel I had the time. I don’t belong to any local camera clubs, but have been involved with photographers I’ve met online. We’ll do photography challenges together, post our photos in a private group, and critique each other's work.

Kathy: What first drew you to cozy mysteries?

KL: My mom. She’s always been an avid reader of both cozy and traditional mysteries. When I finally got curious enough to ask her for book recommendations, she pointed me toward Katherine Hall Page, Diane Mott Davidson, and Ann Cleves. Once I got started, I was hooked.

Kathy: Do you write in any other genres?

KL: None that I’m published in. Last year during NaNoWriMo, I wrote a messy rough draft of a romance. I had a lot of fun with it, but I’m undecided whether I’ll pursue publishing in that genre.

Kathy: Tell us about your series. 

KL: My Camera Club series combines my love for photography with my love for Vermont. Sometimes I think of the stories in this series as cozy mysteries with a hint of women’s fiction thrown in. Each story includes a mystery with lots of twists and turns, but in the background is the story of my protagonist, Bobbie Brooks, and her personal growth.

Kathy: Do you have a favorite character? If so, who and why?

KL: My protagonist, Bobbie, is my favorite. The books in this series are her story.

Of my side characters, I probably like Rose the best. She’s spunky and fun-loving—always up for whatever adventure Bobbie throws her way. But she’s also smart in a way that isn’t outwardly obvious, and she keeps Bobbie in line.

Kathy: Did you have a specific inspiration for your series?

KL: I’d say my small Vermont village is my biggest inspiration. Not only is it beautiful and quaint, but the interactions between people living in a small town where the landscape can make life difficult is fascinating. There’s a strong community spirit in rural Vermont.

Kathy: What made you decide to publish your work?

KL: That’s a good question. I sometimes think that I never really made a conscious decision to publish. When I first started writing Caught on Camera, I was mostly writing for myself. As I wrote, I learned, and one thing led to another. I joined writing organizations, found critique partners, attended mystery conferences, and met an agent who took me on. None of this happened overnight, but the steps I took led to publishing. It’s been quite a journey.

Kathy: If you could have a dinner party and invite 4 authors, living or dead, in any genre, who would you invite?

KL: Wow, there are so many authors I’d love to talk to. I’ve always wanted to have a conversation with Amor Towles. His prose is beautiful. I’d love to know how he does it. Chris Bojalian is a Vermont author. I’ve heard him speak, and he’s both kind and fascinating, and I’d love to learn how he does all the research necessary for his books. I’ve always admired Louise Penny’s talent for bringing her setting to life. What mystery fan doesn’t want to visit Three Pines? I’ll round out my party with Ann Cleeves. Not only does she write the most atmospheric settings, but her characters are fascinating.

Kathy: What are you currently reading?

KL: I’m currently reading a romcom by Leah Dobrinska—EXES DON'T. She’s fabulous (and also writes the Larkspur Library cozy mystery series). EXES DON'T is the third in her Fall in Love Series, and just published this week.

Kathy: Will you share any of your hobbies or interests with us?

KL: Reading is probably my primary hobby. With so many good books out there, I can’t keep up. I don’t take photos like I used to, but I still consider photography to be one of my favorite hobbies. Art journaling is also a fantastic creative outlet. I’m terrible at it, but there’s nothing quite like getting messy with paints and collage.

Kathy: Name 4 items you always have in your fridge or pantry.

KL: Yogurt, pasta, herbal tea, and dark chocolate. (Not terribly exciting—haha)

Kathy: Do you have plans for future books either in your current series or a new series?

KL: Yes. I’m currently revising the second book in my Camera Club Mystery series. This one takes place in Vermont’s beautiful autumn season. The murder will happen at a masquerade party during the village’s annual Harvest Festival. I’m also getting ready to draft the third book in the series, which will involve the Christmas holiday season, a wedding, and a murder. I’m having a lot of fun with both of them.

KL: Kathy: What's your favorite thing about being an author?

I love the flexibility. I have deadlines, but as long as I keep myself on track, I decide what I write, when I write it, and where. I work best first thing in the morning, and I love that I can pour myself a cup of coffee and just get started wearing my yoga pants and a sweatshirt. All the things I’ve learned and people I’ve met have been a huge, unexpected bonus as well. 



The First Camera Club Mystery

Widow Bobbie Brooks has left the big city of Boston for small town rural Vermont. While her sister and a good friend are neighbors Bobbie still feels like an outsider. Hoping to fit in to the community she starts a photography club. But their first outing turns disastrous when Bobbie discovers the body of one of its members. Thinking it had to be a tragic accident Bobbie nonetheless feels something is off. What she didn't expect was murder, and that she is not only the main suspect, but the town pariah as well.  

CAUGHT ON CAMERA is a story about starting over and finding yourself. It serves as a reminder that you can't control everyone in your life and sometimes you need to step back. Starting new is always a challenge, especially when you're older. Making new friends, being part of a group, these things somehow become more difficult as Bobbie discovers. Although she is starting fresh in a new state, she's lucky in that she already has supports in place, her sister and best friend. I really like her sister, Alicia, a smart woman of many talents. I know I'd like to try some of her cheese and jams! One minor character who really annoyed me was Emma. She really needs to stop being so needy and grow up. Jeesh. She acted more like a whiny spoiled brat that a young adult starting a career. Darcy, of course, is a dream.

The mystery was interesting, as was the photography theme. I enjoyed seeing the possible motives as well as the interesting behaviors of the suspects. After I finished the book I realized all the subtle clues that were carefully placed throughout the story. Tiny, seemingly insignificant things, that weren't really part of the plot but were there, like little beacons, their true meaning only coming through once the mystery was solved.

Complicated relationships and attention to detail make CAUGHT ON CAMERA a compelling start to a new series.


 Caught on Camera: A Camera Club Mystery by Kara Lacey

About Caught on Camera

Caught on Camera: A Camera Club Mystery
Cozy Mystery 1st in Series
Setting - Vermont
Publisher: ‎ Level Best Books (September 24, 2024)
Print length: ‎ 307 pages

Blue skies and wildflowers signal the start of summer in southern Vermont, and the Stonebridge Keep it Snappy Camera Club lenses are zoomed in on…murder.

It's been more than a year since the sudden death of her husband, and photographer Bobbie Brooks wants nothing more than to escape her grief. Fleeing her life in the city, she seeks a fresh start in the serenity of the Green Mountains. But Bobbie’s new beginning comes to a halt when she finds a member of her camera club dead beneath the village’s idyllic covered bridge. Tragic accident or something sinister? With a keen photographer’s eye, Bobbie suspects murder.

As if transitioning to small-town life wasn’t challenging enough, Bobbie’s missing scarf is found at the murder scene, making her the primary focus. Scorned by local gossips, she enlists the help of her camera club and shifts her lens from photographer to amateur sleuth. Using photos found on the victim’s camera, they waste no time setting out to catch the killer—and discover no shortage of suspects. Secrets, lies, and blackmail…Danger abounds as they close in on the killer. Her camera holds the answers… But can she develop the clues in time to stop the killer?

About Kara Lacey

Kara Lacey is the author of the Camera Club Mysteries. Along with her husband, she lives in a tiny village nestled in the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont—the inspiration for her novels. Kara is a photography enthusiast who also enjoys hiking, skiing, and getting cozy with a good book. When she’s not at her laptop creating havoc for her characters, you can find her rambling through the forest with her husband and spirited Labrador retriever, camera in hand.

Kara is a member of Sisters in Crime, Sisters in Crime-New England, and Mystery Writers of America. She is also a co-Member at Large for Vermont SinC NE writers.


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Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Motive - An Interiew, Review, & Giveaway

I'm pleased to welcome Michele Pariza Wacek back to Cozy Up With Kathy. Michele writes the Redemption Detective Agency Mystery series. THE MYSTERIOUS CASE OF THE MISSING MOTIVE is the first book in the series and was released October 15, 2024.

Kathy: The Redemption Detective Agency Mystery series is a spin off of your Charlie Kingsley Mystery series. What called you to make a spin off?

MPW: I was feeling called to do a cozy series that was lighter and funnier than the Charlie Kingsley Mysteries. (While the Charlie Kingsley Mysteries does have humor, I would say the emphasis of that series is on the mystery—similar to an Agatha Christie book). A couple of the side characters also stepped up to let me know they wanted to be in the new series, so really, I didn’t have much choice in the matter.

Kathy: In THE MYSTERIOUS CASE OF THE MISSING MOTIVE Emily Hildebrandt moves in with her eccentric Aunt Tilde in Redemption, Wisconsin. Have you ever gotten caught up in an eccentric relative's schemes?

MPW: I have not, but it might be because some of my relatives might consider me the eccentric relative. [Looks around furtively.]

Kathy: Other than the Charlie Kingsley mysteries, was there a specific inspiration for this story?

MPW: I always loved cold cases, so having a series based cold cases was very appealing to me. I also loved the trope of opening up an investigation into a convicted murderer’s case to discover the actual truth, which is what this case is about.

Kathy: This series is set in the 1990s. Why that time period instead of modern day or earlier?

MPW: The Charlie Kingsley Mysteries is actually a spin off from the Secrets of Redemption series, which is a psychological thriller series that takes place in modern day. Charlie is dead in that series and has willed her house to Becca, her niece, who begins the series moving to Redemption. When I started writing that series, I never thought Charlie would turn into such an important character, but here we are.

So, it’s set in the 1990s because Charlie needed to be alive and it also needed to be before some of the major events that happened in Becca’s life. That said, what I discovered while writing it was how much I loved writing in that time period, so I may end up with a lot more books and series that take place in the 1990s.

Kathy: When it comes to writing I understand there are 2 general camps-plotters, who diligently plot their stories, and pansters, who fly by the seat of their pants. Are you a plotter, a panster, or do you fall somewhere in between?

MPW: I’m somewhere in between, but more pantser than plotter. For years, I thought I was a plotter because I do create rough outlines (emphasis on rough). Then a fellow writer in an author group I’m in posted a sample of how they plot, which was when I realized I was more pantser than plotter. I need to get inside and live my stories before I can put them on paper.

Kathy: Authors are required to do a lot of their own marketing, especially for a new release. What's your favorite part of marketing your work? What do you dislike about marketing?

MPW: My other business is actually an online marketing business. Unlike a lot of other authors, I truly enjoy marketing, although I’m not as keen about posting a lot on social media (that would be what I dislike the most).

Kathy: Will you share any other upcoming books?

MPW: Thank you for asking! On November 2, I’m releasing another Charlie Kingsley Mystery, A ROOM FOR MURDER, which is Charlie’s first case. Then I’ll be moving on to a brand new psych thriller series (another spin-off from Secrets of Redemption) before returning to The Redemption Detective Agency. The goal is to release 2 more books in that series in 2025.



The First Redemption Detective Agency Mystery
Doing the right thing cost Emily Hildebrandt her job, her fiance, her home, and even her car. Desperate, she takes up her Aunt Tilde's offer of not only a place to stay, but a job in Redemption, Wisconsin, even though her aunt is incredibly vague on details. Though grateful, Emily has more questions than answers, especially when she discovers that not only has Aunt Tilde opened a detective agency, but Emily is the new office manager and a detective as well! Surprisingly, they get a case, a case that Emily is certain they should not take. But if they don't help a desperate mother, who will?
Aunt Tilde is amazing. What a wonderful woman whose caring heart and intuitive knowledge shine in a totally unique and eccentric body. I also love the "creepy" town of Redemption. Hints are given and there is much more to the town, and its residents, than meets the eye. One thing that really bugged me about Emily was her attitude towards pets. It really turned me off from liking her. However, I think her attitude is going to change, and that's a very good thing. 
THE MYSTERIOUS CASE OF THE MISSING MOTIVE is a very funny story with a very well plotted mystery. I love how the ragtag team gets together to solve a case. Aunt Tilde and her friends may not know how to run a business, but that's where Emily comes in. I also like the subtle romantic interest which got even more interesting at the end of the tale.
With lots of laughs, a little intrigue, and a great cast of characters THE MYSTERIOUS CASE OF THE MISSING MOTIVE is a great start to a new series!

 The Mysterious Case of the Missing Motive (The Redemption Detective Agency) by Michele Pariza Wacek

About The Mysterious Case of the Missing Motive

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Motive (The Redemption Detective Agency)
Cozy Mystery 1st in Series
Setting - Wisconsin
Publisher: ‎ Love-Based Publishing (October 15, 2024)
Number of Pages ~200 pages

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Or maybe a gin and tonic.

Emily Hildebrandt has run into a bit of a rough patch. She's lost her job, her fiance and her apartment. Still, she never expected to be desperate enough to accept an invitation to live with her eccentric Aunt Tilde in Redemption, Wisconsin.

But, beggars can't be choosers. Even if part of the deal is she has to pretend to work at her aunt's latest hair-brained scheme, The Redemption Detective Agency.

Seriously, the woman is a retired nurse. Why does she think she's remotely qualified to run a detective agency, especially in a creepy little town like Redemption?

But, when a strange phone call suddenly thrusts them into an actual case, Emily finds herself hoping her aunt really does know what she's doing ... or an innocent person may be the one to suffer the consequences.

A spin-off from the Charlie Kingsley Mystery series! The Redemption Detective Agency is a funny, twisty cozy mystery series set in the 1990s featuring silver sleuths solving cold cases. Great for fans of the Thursday Murder Club.

About Michele Pariza Wacek


A USA Today Bestselling, award-winning author, Michele taught herself to read at 3 years old because she wanted to write stories so badly. It took some time (and some detours) but now she does spend much of her time writing stories. Mystery stories, to be exact. They're clean and twisty, and range from psychological thrillers to cozies, with a dash of romance and supernatural thrown into the mix. If that wasn't enough, she posts lots of fun things on her blog, including short stories, puzzles, recipes, and more, at

Michele grew up in Wisconsin, (hence why all her books take place there), and still visits regularly, but she herself escaped the cold and now lives in the mountains of Prescott, Arizona with her husband and southern squirrel hunter Cassie.

When she's not writing, she's usually reading, hanging out with her dog, or watching the Food Network and imagining she's an awesome cook. (Spoiler alert, she's not. Luckily for the whole family, Mr. PW is in charge of the cooking.)

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Friday, October 25, 2024

Color Me Dead - A Review, Excerpt, & Giveaway


 COLOR ME DEAD by Teresa Trent
The First Henry Park Mystery

Gabby Wolfe returns to her childhood home of Henry Park, Colorado with two jobs, to start work as an illustrator for children's book author Clarence Bradford, and look after her younger brother, Mitch, a magnet for trouble. Gabby's always seen snippets of things to come, but now she starts to draw a disturbing image, and it's not from one of Clarence's stories. Reconnecting with old friends and making new enemies Gabby tries to make sense of what she sees, only to discover a talented young artist is seeing the same visions. It's too late to save the woman they're seeing, but will they be able to discover the killer?

Teresa Trent pens a winner with her first Henry Park Mystery. We're introduced to a reluctant psychic, her ne'er do well brother, a direct sales guru with cerebral palsy, and a lovable dog named Luigi. While the natural environment is pristine, the characters are a little rougher around the edges. With plenty of bad habits and foibles these characters provide a multitude of motives as well as the moxie to deal with adversity...and each other.

I appreciate so much about this book, especially the subtlety with which Trent writes about Gabby's psychic abilities; truly developing their importance and the way Gabby and others view this gift. In COLOR ME DEAD Teresa Trent takes a picturesque town adds interesting characters and a unique mystery to create a successful start to a new series.

Color Me Dead by Teresa Trent Banner


by Teresa Trent

October 14 - November 8, 2024 Virtual Book Tour


Color Me Dead by Teresa Trent

Artist Gabby Wolfe has the ability to see not only the beauty of the living but the despair of the dead. When she returns to her childhood home in Henry Park Colorado, she is forced to bring along her younger brother Mitch. He is on a “break” from college where he was majoring in wine, women, and song. If that isn’t enough they also have Mitch’s rambunctious beagle Luigi along who prefers to spend his days wallowing in junk food. When Gabby draws the death of a young woman before it happens, she knows she must tell someone and risk a new job and her professional credibility. Will she reveal her secret in time to save the woman in the water or will it be too late?



Book Details:

Genre: Paranormal Cozy Mystery
Published by: Harbor Lane Books
Publication Date: September 24, 2024
Number of Pages: 260
Book Links: Amazon | Goodreads

Read an excerpt:

Chapter 1

We pulled into the driveway of a home nestled into the banks of Lake Henry. The overhanging roof, a dark silver color, provided ample shade on the front porch. As if guarding the home against the outside world, stone pillars stood on either side of the door. I parked my car on the circular drive that made its way through the deep, green lawn. Clarence Bradford’s home was well-kept, and the square corners and functional design reflected a sense of order. The light played between the two pillars, creating stripes on the slats of the porch. Built up on the mountainside, the house almost looked like a natural part of the landscape.

Standing on the porch was a man I recognized from his book covers: Clarence Bradford. He was still quite handsome for his age, and his outfit—a forest-green button-down shirt, blue jeans, and hiking boots—told me every day was casual Friday. His silvery hair augmented his healthy tan.

“You made it.” He took in my cotton flowered tunic, my favorite pair of jeans, and the high tops I was wearing and said, “You are young.”

Maybe the high tops were a little much, but they were my favorite shoes. Even in my late twenties, I still hadn’t shed this style of footwear left over from my teens. Maybe it was the artist in me not conforming to uncomfortable heels that made my knees wobble. Clarence stood next to a tray set with a pitcher of tea and glasses. “You made good time. I was just on a break and decided you might be near and need some iced tea.”

Luigi leaped out of the car first and ran like a maniac around the yard.

“Will he run off?” I asked.

Mitch scowled. “I told you. Luigi is the product of discipline and training. He’ll let off a little steam and then be back to his guard-dog status.” From the wild look in Luigi’s eyes as he tried to bounce off a pine tree, I doubted his strict training included that.

Trying to put Luigi out of my thoughts, I gave an awkward little wave to my new employer. “Hi. I’m Gabby and this is my brother, Mitch.”

My brother walked over and plopped into a chair, grabbed an icy glass, and kicked off his flip-flops. “Excellent, Mr. Bradford.”

“Please, call me Clarence.”

“Clarence then,” he said, downing the tea in almost one gulp. Nothing like a hangover to make you thirsty.

I took a seat in the third chair. The smell of pine trees was so intense around me that it gave me the giddy feeling of Christmas. “You have a beautiful home, Clarence.”

“Yes, it’s where I get all of my inspiration. But, of course, growing up around here you already knew how beautiful it was. If I had to write the Adventure Kid books in the city, I don’t think they’d be any good. Can’t exactly have my little adventurers taking the subway to get to their next escapade.” He refilled Mitch’s glass.

“Working here,” I paused to look around at the towering trees and listen to the birdsong emanating from them, “sounds like paradise. I work in coffee shops a lot myself.”

“Ugh, what a terrible thing. I don’t know how people concentrate in those places,” he said in disgust.

“Earbuds,” I answered.

“Excuse me?” Obviously, Clarence Bradford had no need to block out sound and pump in music.

I pulled my earbuds out of my pocket. “These things.”

“Oh, yes. I see young people wearing them all the time. It’s like they have to have an extension cord wherever they go. Seems kind of ridiculous-looking to me.”

“You’re so right, Clarence,” Mitch said. “What I hate is hearing people’s phone conversations in the store. Do they even know how stupid they look having a heart-to-heart in the middle of the hemorrhoid creams?”

Clarence’s laugh boomed from his chest as he slapped his knee. “I can see you’re going to make this summer interesting, Mitch.”

“Mitch makes every summer interesting,” I added. “We’re renting a house on the other side of the lake, so it will be easy for me to come to work over here.”

“That’s good. Would you like to see where we’ll be working?”

I followed Clarence Bradford to what I thought would be a book-lined study, complete with the smell of cherry tobacco and a roaring fire. Instead, he took me to a room at the back of the house almost entirely encased in windows. There were blinds built into the double panes of glass. Clarence Bradford’s study wasn’t an office at all. It was an air-conditioned room on the lake.

“This is beautiful,” I said, spinning around. “I don’t know how you get any work done here.”

“Oh, but that’s the secret to writing outdoor adventure books for kids. I write them practically outdoors, with the modern conveniences of air conditioning and Internet. It’s my oasis.”

“What a fantastic idea.” The wall facing the windows was lined floor to ceiling with books. As an artist, I appreciated just how much there was to see from Clarence Bradford’s view of Lake Henry.

“Do the people going by in their boats watch you? I mean, do you feel like you don’t have any privacy here?”

“Tinted windows. I can see them, but they can’t see me. Wouldn’t have it any other way.”

The view was stunning, and I also made a mental note that whenever I needed a cigarette, I shouldn’t smoke it within view of this office if I wanted to keep it a secret. As I looked across the lake, the wavy line of the shore caught my eye. It looked like something I had seen before. I stepped closer to the glass.

“Are you a bird-watcher?” Clarence asked.

“Uh, no. I just thought I saw something familiar.”

“Is your house visible from here?”

“No. We’re too far away, and our house is on the other side of the road.”

I glanced back at the shoreline. My shoulders began to feel cold, and I held onto my arms. The vision was trying to come in again. I must be close to whatever it was that was causing the woman with the cold hand to invade my senses.

“I must have the air conditioning up too high in here. You’re shivering,” he said, his eyes never leaving mine.

“No, I’m fine. Really.”

“Of course …” he said but then asked once more, “You’re sure you’re alright, now.”

“Yes.” I turned my back to the window. “This is my first children’s book, so I’m sure I have a lot to learn,” I confessed, changing the subject.


Excerpt from Color Me Dead by Teresa Trent. Copyright 2024 by Teresa Trent. Reproduced with permission from Teresa Trent. All rights reserved.



Author Bio:

Teresa Trent

Teresa Trent started out teaching English, but life and children intervened and she began writing mysteries starting with her Pecan Bayou Cozy Mystery Series. After that, she wrote the Piney Woods and the Swinging Sixties Mystery Series. Color Me Dead is the first book in her new Henry Park Series and while all her other books take place in Texas, this series is set in Colorado, where Teresa grew up. Teresa is also the author of several short stories and is teaching writing at her local library encouraging new writers. Teresa lives in Houston, Texas with her husband and son.

Catch Up With Teresa Trent:
Books to the Ceiling
BookBub - @TeresaTrent
Instagram - @teresatrent_cozymys
Threads - @teresatrent_cozymys
Twitter/X - @ttrent_cozymys
Facebook - @teresatrentmysterywriter



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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Currently Reading...

I'm currently reading Caught on Camera by Kara Lacey. This book is the first in the Camera Club Mystery series and was released last month.

Widow Bobbie Brooks has left the big city of Boston for small town rural Vermont. While her sister and a good friend are neighbors Bobbie still feels like an outsider. Hoping to fit in to the community she starts a photography club. But their first outing turns disastrous when Bobbie discovers the body of one of its members. Thinking it had to be a tragic accident Bobbie nonetheless feels something is off. What she didn't expect was murder, and that she is not only the main suspect, but the town pariah as well.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

In the Blink of a Pie - A Review


IN THE BLINK OF A PIE by Catherine Bruns
The Third Maple Syrup Mystery

To prepare for the holiday season manager Leila Khoury decides to try something new to bring more business to her family's maple syrup farm. The inaugural pie baking competition at Sappy Endings turns tragic, however when the curmudgeonly Margaret Middleton dies after helping herself to a piece of pie. But was Margaret the intended victim? She wasn't even supposed to eat the pie. Leila was. As business rapidly declines, Leila decides she can't wait for the police to solve the murder and, with her good friend Heather, starts nosing around. Unfortunately, it soon becomes evident that the killer isn't through and it's more than Sappy Endings' bottom line that's in trouble.

Despite the danger the third Maple Syrup Mystery gives plenty of warm fuzzies. Leila and Noah have a wonderful relationship that's growing stronger every day. The pair compliment each other so well. I also love how Leila and Selma are repairing their relationship, growing closer, despite Jenna's infiltration. Of course Heather is the best bestie and I love Toast most of all. It's this love, familial, romantic, and friendly, that makes you care about Sappy Endings and the people who make it special.

Even though I knew who the killer was halfway though the novel, as well as the motive, it didn't dim my enjoyment in the least. I watched as Leila followed red herring after red herring and wondered when she would finally realize the truth. I also figured out Emma's issue well before Leila or even Noah...and I don't even like kids! As annoying as I found Emma's behavior, I have to commend her actions at the end of the book.

With ratcheting drama IN THE BLINK OF A PIE captures the warmth of family and the delight of good food even as an unknown person threatens everything!

Monday, October 21, 2024

Murder on the Page - A Review & Giveaway


MURDER ON THE PAGE by Daryl Wood Gerber
The First Literary Dining Mystery

Allie Catt runs a small catering business in her hometown of Asheville, North Carolina. A lover of all things literary she's been hired to cater an event for Marigold Markel, owner of Feast for the Eyes bookstore and aunt of her best friend, Tegan. But when everyone arrives for the event they find a lifeless inside. The death is ruled a homicide and Tegan soon becomes a suspect. Despite being on friendly terms with the lead detective, Allie feels she must help solve the murder. While simultaneously planning a Pride and Prejudice themed memorial, Marigold's favorite book, Allie will look for clues to try to find a killer. But will the killer find her first?

Who would want to kill Marigold? It turns out the bookshop owner had more than one secret. There are lots of interesting dynamics between the characters in the first Literary Dining Mystery. Vanna is a character I loved to hate. She's a nasty piece of work who throws her sister under the bus and makes disparaging remarks about Allie's food. Brendan not only makes a great detective, but I love his burgeoning relationship with Allie. The various clues led me down a multitude of paths wondering who the killer was. I also appreciated how Allie kept her wits about her during the climactic scene!

It's no surprise that I love books so I love that a bookstore is at the center of MURDER ON THE PAGE along with nods to all things literary. I particularly enjoyed all of the PRIDE AND PREJUDICE references. Of course, I also love food, so not only do I love the food descriptions, but I love how Allie creates a menu with the Jane Austen theme! There are also recipes at the end of the book to devour.

Comforting food, books, and Jane Austen combine to make a delightful start to a new mystery series in MURDER ON THE PAGE.


 Murder on the Page (A Literary Dining Mystery) by Daryl Wood Gerber

About Murder on the Page

Murder on the Page (A Literary Dining Mystery)
Cozy Mystery 1st in Series
Setting - North Carolina
Publisher: ‎ Kensington Cozies (October 22, 2024)
Hardcover: ‎ 336 pages

Featuring twin hooks that cozy readers can’t get enough of—classic books and delicious food—this new series from the Agatha Award-winning, nationally bestselling author of several much loved series, including the Fairy Garden Mysteries and the French Bistro Mysteries, is a delicious treat for mystery lovers, especially fans of Ellery Adams, Krista Davis, and Lauren Elliott.

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a genuinely top-notch party must be in want of a theme. Allie Catt, caterer and personal chef in the beautiful mountain community of Asheville, North Carolina, has devised a winning formula by using her clients’ favorite books as inspiration. Her first themed event is based on Pride and Prejudice (Allie’s cat, Darcy, approves), and it’s so popular that soon she has grand ideas for future parties based on Rebecca, The Great Gatsby, Babette’s Feast and more.

Business is booming, and a rival catering company is fuming. But there’s a sting in the tale when the aunt of one of Allie’s clients and best friends, Tegan, is murdered. Tegan is the victim’s sole heir, and quickly becomes the main suspect. Allie has no doubts about her friend’s innocence, but how to prove it?

Once again, her love of literature comes to the rescue, and with some guidance from her favorite fictional detectives, including Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes, Allie sifts through the clues.

With a little luck—and the kind of pluck that would make Elizabeth Bennett proud—she may be able to stop a killer from serving up a second course of murder . . .

About Daryl Wood Gerber

Daryl Wood Gerber is the Agatha Award-winning and nationally bestselling author of the Literary Dining Mysteries, the Fairy Garden Mysteries and the Cookbook Nook Mysteries. As Avery Aames, she penned the popular Cheese Shop Mysteries. In addition, Daryl writes suspense including the well-received The Son’s Secret, Girl on the Run, and the popular Aspen Adams suspense novels. Recently Daryl, who loves a challenge, published a Christmas romance, Hope for the Holidays. Fun Tidbit: as an actress, Daryl appeared in “Murder, She Wrote.” She loves to cook, garden, read, and walk her frisky Goldendoodle. Also she has been known to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. You can learn more on her website: httsp://

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Sunday, October 20, 2024

Loch Ness Murder - A Spotlight

Today I'd like to shine a spotlight on a book related to one I just finished. Loch Ness Murder by Michele Pariza Wacek is the second book in the Charlie Kingsley Novella series. Note, there is a series of Charlie Kingsley Novellas and a series of Charlie Kingsley Novels. As of 6:30pm eastern October, 19, 2024 the e-book version of this novella was free!


Redemption wouldn’t be Redemption without something weird going on in one of its lakes.

In this case, residents are torn between it being a Loch Ness Monster (named “Locky”) or some other water-based supernatural creature.

So, to set the record straight, two scientists come to investigate.

But then one of them is found dead.

Specifically, drowned.

In the lake.

There are teeth marks on the body … and they appear to be from an actual Loch Ness Monster.

Charlie has no choice but to dive headfirst into this investigation, before another victim surfaces.