Sunday, May 31, 2015

Review, Spotlight, & Giveaway - The Golden Age of Murder


The Golden Age of Murder by Martin Edwards

A woman who has recently discovered that her husband intends to leave her for another woman disappears. Police and citizens alike search for days with no results. Another woman found herself pregnant after a torrid affair. When told, the man in question informs her that he's married and wants nothing more to do with her, or the baby. The woman, aided by the man's wife, invents a mysterious illness to account for her extended absence from work and delivers the baby in secret. Plot lines for mystery novels? No, true life events of two of the most popular mystery writers of all time. They say truth is stranger than fiction. The Golden Age of Murder proves that saying true!

This book is not a cozy mystery, but it's about the genesis of them. The Golden Age of Murder is a highly researched book of non fiction about the Detection Club. Founded in the late 1920s, the group was "an elite social network of writers". Some of the greatest writers of detective fiction of all time were members of this exclusive club. In order to give details about the club, Edwards tells the stories of some of his members-whose lives could be just as mysterious as their novels. I was aware of the true life disappearance of Agatha Christie (of course, I know what happened to her as well-she was recovering from investigating a series of murders caused by a Vespiform), but was unfamiliar with the lives of some of the other members of this Club, Dorothy L. Sayers, G. K. Chesterton, and Anthony Berkeley, for example. 

Martin Edwards looks to solve the riddles of the Detection Club and provide truths to its mysterious history. Sharing the details of the oft times very private members of the group provides insight into the wonderful detective novels they wrote. The book also looks at the camaraderie and how authors worked together for promotional purposes as well as sharing the good and bad of the publishing world well before the advent of social media. Edwards has some expertise being the Detective Club's first Archivist. Sadly, his work has been made more difficult owing to the fact that almost all of the organization's early information, including minutes of meetings, was lost during the Blitz.

Although at times disjointed and not always a chronological history, with so much information I would be hard pressed to find a better way of disseminating it. While The Golden Age of Murder is a heavy tome it is not ponderous reading. The writing is engaging and the subject matter compelling. Each chapter is a story unto itself thus the book need not be read in one sitting, although the chapters do build upon each other. If you have any interest in the history of the mystery genre and some of its most prominent writers, you would do well to read this book. I discovered many new things and enjoyed learning more about the people who set the standard for this amazing genre!


The Golden Age of Murder

by Martin Edwards

on Tour April 28 - May 31, 2015

Book Details:

Genre: Biography, Mystery, Classic Crime
Published by: HarperCollins
Publication Date: May 7th 2015
Number of Pages: 512
ISBN: 0008105960 (ISBN13: 9780008105969)
Purchase Links:


A real-life detective story, investigating how Agatha Christie and colleagues in a mysterious literary club transformed crime fiction, writing books casting new light on unsolved murders whilst hiding clues to their authors’ darkest secrets.
This is the first book about the Detection Club, the world’s most famous and most mysterious social network of crime writers. Drawing on years of in-depth research, it reveals the astonishing story of how members such as Agatha Christie and Dorothy L. Sayers reinvented detective fiction.
Detective stories from the so-called “Golden Age” between the wars are often dismissed as cosily conventional. Nothing could be further from the truth: some explore forensic pathology and shocking serial murders, others delve into police brutality and miscarriages of justice; occasionally the innocent are hanged, or murderers get away scot-free. Their authors faced up to the Slump and the rise of Hitler during years of economic misery and political upheaval, and wrote books agonising over guilt and innocence, good and evil, and explored whether killing a fellow human being was ever justified. Though the stories included no graphic sex scenes, sexual passions of all kinds seethed just beneath the surface.
Attracting feminists, gay and lesbian writers, Socialists and Marxist sympathisers, the Detection Club authors were young, ambitious and at the cutting edge of popular culture – some had sex lives as bizarre as their mystery plots. Fascinated by real life crimes, they cracked unsolved cases and threw down challenges to Scotland Yard, using their fiction to take revenge on people who hurt them, to conduct covert relationships, and even as an outlet for homicidal fantasy. Their books anticipated not only CSI, Jack Reacher and Gone Girl, but also Lord of the Flies. The Club occupies a unique place in Britain’s cultural history, and its influence on storytelling in fiction, film and television throughout the world continues to this day.
The Golden Age of Murder rewrites the story of crime fiction with unique authority, transforming our understanding of detective stories and the brilliant but tormented men and women who wrote them.

Author Bio:

Martin Edwards was educated in Northwich and at Balliol College, Oxford University, taking a first class honours degree in law. He trained as a solicitor in Leeds and moved to Liverpool on qualifying in 1980. He published his first legal article at the age of 25 and become a partner in the firm of Mace and Jones in 1984.

He is married to Helena with two children (Jonathan and Catherine) and lives in Lymm. Martin is a member of the Murder Squad collective of crime writers, and is chairman of the nominations sub-committee for the CWA Diamond Dagger (crime writing's most prestigious award). In 2007 he was appointed the Archivist of the Crime Writers Association.

Catch Up:

Tour Participants:

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This is a giveaway hosted by Partners In Crime Virtual Book Tours for Martin Edwards & Harper Collins. There will be one winner of 1 physical copy of The Golden Age of Murder by Martin Edwards to a US recipient. The giveaway begins on April 28th, 2015 and runs through June 3rd, 2015


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Friday, May 29, 2015

An Introduction to Jaime Quinn: Interview, Review, & Giveaway

I'm happy to welcome Barbara Venkataraman to Cozy Up With Kathy today. Barbara writes the Jaime Quinn Mystery series. The first three books in the series have just been released as a boxed set and the 4th book will be released soon!

Kathy: Jaime Quinn is a lawyer. What made you decide on that profession. Is there any significance to her family law specialty? Her issues with her own family?

BV: Funny you should ask--I’d always heard you should write what you know and since I’ve been a practicing family lawyer for 28 years (I started as a child, lol), I figured I’d give Jamie the same avocation as me for my first foray into fiction. Like, Jamie, I lost my mom to cancer, but I didn’t spend six months in a depression. Also, I have a nephew with Asperger’s Syndrome and I based the character of Adam on him, but those are the only similarities between Jamie and me. The fact that she’s a family lawyer allows me to use some of the weird stories and incidents I’ve accumulated over the years. And also borrow some stories from my colleagues…

Kathy: How did you come up with the idea of using a didgeridoo as a weapon? Have you ever seen one in person?

BV: Strangely enough, I own a didgeridoo! I bought one because I thought it could help me with my sleep issues. One day, I was trying to teach myself how to play it when I dropped it (those suckers are heavy, and I was light-headed from hyperventilating) and I broke the glass top of a dresser. That's when I realized: You could kill someone with this thing. Later on, my husband found me swinging the didgeridoo around like some weird Ninja warrior and he looked a bit worried, but I assured him I was just doing research. From then on, I couldn't stop thinking about how someone could get killed with a didgeridoo: Who was this person? Why would they even have a didgeridoo? How could the wrong person be blamed for the murder? Why would there be more than one person who wanted the victim dead? Like a jigsaw puzzle, the pieces slowly came together to become my first cozy mystery: "Death by Didgeridoo".

Kathy: Jaime and Kip certainly have different ideas as to what constitutes a fun outing. Are you eager for adventure like Kip, or do you prefer more sedate entertainments?

BV: Okay, you caught me, I am just like Jamie. I’m a homebody, a bookworm, and the least adventurous person on the planet. Like Jamie, I am also a pretty big chicken when it comes to the prospect of getting hurt, so I thought it would be interesting to pair her up with someone who loved the outdoors, a boyfriend who enjoyed an adrenaline rush, and Kip is that guy! As Stephen King says, take interesting characters and put them in an interesting situation and see what happens.

Kathy: Your Jaime Quinn mysteries are short. Was it a purposeful decision to write novellas as opposed to novels?

BV: I didn’t start out with anything in mind except that I had an idea for a story and I wanted to see if I could put the story together. Each of my first three Jamie Quinn books is longer than the book before. The fourth book, “Engaged in Danger”, will be the longest by far and is due out in July. I think the reason my books are shorter than most is that I’m a minimalist and a word geek. I choose each word carefully, I re-write as I go, and I don’t like to be overly descriptive. I like to use a broad brush, describe a few features and let the reader fill in the rest. I don’t like description for the sake of description. Nobody cares what color the bedspread is and how many candles are on the table. At least I don’t...

Kathy: What first drew you to cozy mysteries?

BV: I’ve always loved mysteries--the puzzles and the mental challenge they present. Starting with Encyclopedia Brown when I was a kid and graduating to Nancy Drew, then Agatha Christie and all the rest, I couldn’t get enough of mystery. That being said, I’m not a big fan of violence and gore. I like a light-hearted, entertaining story, which is what I set out to write. That’s why cozy mystery is a great genre for me.

Kathy: Do you write in any other genres?

BV: I’m glad you asked! I do, indeed. I first started by writing humor in homage to my favorite humor writers: Erma Bombeck, Carl Hiaasen, Dave Barry, and Bill Bryson. I wrote two short books of humorous essays for my series: Quirky Essays for Quirky People and I couldn’t have been more thrilled when they both won awards. The books are: “I’m Not Talking About You, Of Course”, and “A Trip to the Hardware Store & Other Calamities” and both are available as e-books and audiobooks. I also wrote a short, humorous grammar book called, “Teatime with Mrs. Grammar Person” that teaches grammar through funny stories. Mrs. Grammar Person is my alter ego and sometimes she just takes over! Finally, I wrote a short story, “If You’d Just Listened to Me in the First Place”, and a children’s fantasy, “The Fight for Magicallus”.

Kathy: Tell us about your series.

BV: In my Jamie Quinn mystery series, Jamie is a reluctant family lawyer who somehow keeps finding herself involved in murder cases. In Death by Didgeridoo, her disabled cousin is accused of murdering his music teacher; in The Case of the Killer Divorce, Jamie's client, who is in the middle of an acrimonious divorce, is accused of murdering her husband, and in Peril in the Park, Jamie and her boyfriend are in danger from an evil jester who has already murdered one person.

Kathy: Do you have a favorite character? If so, who and why?

BV: If you asked my readers, they would all say their favorite character is Duke, the womanizing, partying private investigator who used to be Jamie's client and is now her friend. I do enjoy Duke, but Jamie's BFF, Grace Anderson, is my fave. Mainly because she's a composite of all my friends, and she's cool.

Kathy: Did you have a specific inspiration for your series?

BV: Aside from the aforementioned, ill-fated attempt to learn the didgeridoo, I would say my inspiration was my desire to write the kind of story I would like to read, one that captured the silliness and smart-alecky dialogue of people who know each other well. I wanted to write a story that was fun. Not many authors can write humor and funny dialogue. One author who is a genius at that is Helen Fielding in her Bridget Jones books. I want to be her when I grow up.

Kathy: What made you decide to publish your work?

BV: I published my work because I wanted to share it with other people. The beauty of Amazon Kindle is that self-published authors have no obstacles, financial or otherwise, to publishing their work. I was surprised at how well-received my work has been and I am grateful and humbled by the kind words of my readers. Honestly, if people had hated it, I would’ve pushed the button that said “unpublish” and started over.

Kathy: If you could have a dinner party and invite 4 authors, living or dead, in any genre, who would you invite?

BV: That's easy! Kurt Vonnegut because he was as interesting as any of his characters; Dave Barry, because he is a very funny guy and a native Floridian, like me; Tina Fey, whom I idolize; and Virginia Woolf, whose books were wonderful and who understood that: "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction."

Kathy: What are you currently reading?

BV: At the moment, I am busy writing, and not reading, but the last book I read that I loved was called "We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves", by Karen Joy Fowler. It's simply brilliant!

Kathy: Will you share any of your hobbies or interests with us?

BV: Hmmm, is this the part where I have to sound more interesting than I am? Ha ha. Well, I like to read, of course, and I like to bake, which is dangerous to my waistline. I love to swim and find my best inspiration while swimming. I also like to micro-manage my kids’ lives long-distance (by text). Just kidding! Not really...I also love to spend time with my friends and family. I used to do all kinds of crafts, but now I write instead.

Kathy: Name 4 items you always have in your fridge or pantry.

BV: Okay, but only if you promise not to judge me: Nutella, pickled beets, lots of different hot sauces, and pasta in every shape and size. I never eat them all together, though.

Kathy: Do you have plans for future books either in your current series or a new series?

BV: Yes! I am working feverishly to finish the fourth Jamie Quinn Mystery, “Engaged in Danger”. Here’s the blurb:

Finally, life is good for reluctant family law attorney, Jamie Quinn--her father may get his visa soon, her boyfriend is the bomb, and her law practice is growing like crazy--but when she agrees to take on a high-profile divorce case, everything falls apart. What looked like an opportunity to work with her friend Grace and make some serious bucks has turned into a deadly game, one that could destroy their friendship and tear their town apart. Why couldn't Jamie just leave well enough alone?

Kathy: What's your favorite thing about being an author?

BV: First, I love the creative process, it stimulates my brain in a way nothing else can. I love imagining my characters having conversations and doing crazy stuff. In short, writing is a lot of fun! I also enjoy interacting with my readers; they are so supportive and seem to really enjoy my writing. I told one reader that I was working on the fourth book in the series and she said, “Please keep Kip and Jamie together, I think they are such a cute couple.” It sounds like she enjoys my characters as much as I do and I think that’s fantastic!



The Jaime Quin Mystery Collection (Box Set Books 1-3)
By Barbara Venkataraman

Book 1: Death by Didgeridoo
Book 2: The Case of the Killer Divorce
Book 3: Peril in the Park

This review is actually for the boxed set; looking at all three novellas as a whole. However, I will be reviewing each book individually in the days to come.

The Jaime Quinn Mystery collection is a quick, light, enjoyable read. Each book gets longer as the series progresses consequently probing deeper and getting more in depth with the characters.

In Death by Didgeridoo we first meet Jaime Quinn, a reluctant family lawyer devastated by her mother's recent death. She's forced to come out of her self imposed solitary confinement when her nephew is accused of murder. Although not a criminal lawyer by any means, Jaime does what she can and gets back in her lawyer saddle. By helping others she also ends her stagnation and returns to the world.

Jaime is getting her groove back and is working with other clients (not just distressed family members) in The Case of the Killer Divorce. We learn even more about Jaime's father and the search to find him. Secondary characters become even more developed and start to shine.

Peril in the Park is the last book in the set and the most complex. Although happy with her new old boyfriend, their relationship is put to the test in this book as someone is targeting Kip and his work in the parks system. Relationships are also not what they seem with either Jaime's dad or her friend, Duke.

I recommend reading these books as a complete set. The first book is a short novella and the second not much longer. The third book is the longest, but I still consider it a novella. You can easily read all three together and appreciate the developing characters and stories. Although each book is set about a year after the previous one, they are built upon each other, each one providing more details and pulling you further in to Jaime Quinn's life.


Barbara Venkataraman is graciously offering prizes for SIX of my readers! One winner will receive an e-book of Death by Didgeridoo, another an e-book of The Case of the Killer Divorce, the third an e-book of Peril in the Park, and three winners will win an audio boxed set of all 3 books! Six lucky winners in all! To be eligible simply leave a comment no later than 11:59 pm EDT Sunday, May 31st 2015 on this blog post telling us your thoughts about lawyers or didgeridoos! Also let us know which prize you'd prefer if you're lucky enough to win and include your e-mail address so that I may contact you! Good luck!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Currently Reading...

I just started reading The Diva Frosts a Cupcake by Krista Davis. This book is the 7th in the Domestic Diva Mystery series. I know, I'm behind in this wonderful series. The 9th book, The Diva Steals a Chocolate Kiss, will be released next week! I bought The Diva Frosts a Cupcake when it was released in 2013, but misplaced it when I was ready to read it. I just found it yesterday!

Sophie is helping her best friend, Nina, with a great fundraiser: Cupcakes and Pupcakes. Local bakers are supplying cupcakes to be sold to raise funds for homeless pets. However, the event is marred by a woman furious at Sophie, a nasty curmudgeon, and feuding cupcake owners.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Spotlight - Murder at Honeychurch Hall

Today I'd like to shine a spotlight on Murder at Honeychurch Hall by Hannah Dennison. This book is the first in the Honeychurch Hall Mystery series. The second in the series, Deadly Desires at Honeychurch Hall, was released earlier this month.

From the back cover:

Kat Stanford is just days away from starting her dream antique business with her newly widowed mother Iris when she gets a huge shock. Iris has recklessly purchased a dilapidated carriage house at Honeychurch Hall, an isolated country estate with eccentric lords and ladies and butlers, and cooks.

When a secret from the past comes back to haunt Iris, Kat realizes she hardly knows her mother at all. And when the bodies start piling up, it is up to Kat to unravel the tangled truth behind the murders at Honeychurch Hall.

I am a huge Anglophile know I'm going to love this series, especially when you have a crumbling estate with ghosts!! Last year Hannah stopped by the blog for an interview. You can check that out by clicking here.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Spotlight - Off Kilter

Today I'd like to shine a spotlight on on Off Kilter by Hannah Reed, the first in the Scottish Highlands Mystery series. This book on my actual TBR pile. (Meaning I actually own the book and am waiting to read it as opposed to just wanting to read it; that's my even larger virtual TBR pile!)

From the back cover:

A brand new series from a national bestselling author Hannah Reed, in which a young American writer finds herself swept up in a murder amid the glens and lochs of the Scottish Highlands...

After the recent death of her mother and the dissolution of her marriage, thirty-something Eden Elliott is seriously in need of a fresh start. She decides to embark on an open-ended trip to the picturesque village of Glenkillen in the  Scottish Highlands to do some hands-on research for a novel she's writing. But almost as soon as Eden arrives in the quaint town, she gets caught up in a very real drama...

The town''s sheep shearer is found murdered-clipped with his own shears-and the locals suspect Vicki MacBride, an outsider whose father's recent death left her the surprise heir to his lucrative sheep farm. Eden refuses to believe the affable heiress is a murderer. but can she prove that someone is out to frame her new friend before she finds herself on the receiving end of more shear terror?

Although I haven't yet read Off Kilter, I lent it to my mom who said she really enjoyed it!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Currently Reading...

I'm currently reading The Case of the Killer Divorce by Barbara Venkataraman. This book is the second in the Jamie Quinn Mystery series. Jamie Quinn is back in the saddle, happy to be a family lawyer again. As such, however, she tends to see the worst in people and her current case is a prime example. The wife, Jamie's client, is either a withdrawn zombie or a raving lunatic threatening her, hopefully soon to be ex, husband. Needless to say when the husband is found dead, the wife becomes prime suspect. Once again, Jamie finds herself in the midst of a criminal case, although this time around she already has the right friends around to lend professional assistance. On a more personal front Jamie is making strides in finding her father-a man she never met.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Tell-Tail Interview and Giveaway

I'm delighted to welcome Monica Shaughnessy to Cozy Up With Kathy. Monica writes the Cattarina Mystery series which features Edgar Allen Poe's cat, Cattarina.

Kathy: I'm excited that The Tell-Tail Heart is written from a feline point of view. Why did you decide to let Cattarina tell the story instead of a human?

MS: I adore books written from the animal perspective, Watership Down and The Art of Racing in the Rain, to name a few. These stories wouldn’t be half as compelling if told by human narrators. When I first hit upon the idea for the Cattarina Mysteries, I briefly toyed with writing from the perspective of Edgar Allan Poe. And then I really thought it through. This filled me with more dread than “The Tell-Tale Heart”! How could I possibly access the mind of a literary genius? No, I thought it much safer to stick to Cattarina.

Kathy: I've always been fascinated by Edgar Allen Poe. I remember visiting his home in Philadelphia when I was young. How did you choose him to be central to the Cattarina Mystery series?

MS: Writers and cats go together. So when I was mulling over different ideas for a cat cozy series, I thought about famous authors, specifically mystery authors. When I found out that Mr. Poe owned a tortoiseshell, everything clicked into place. It also helps that his work is in the public domain, so there’s no copyright conflict when quoting his old works. And really, Edgar Allan Poe is a fascinating character.

Kathy: I always felt bad for Edgar, suffering such tragedy in his life. I'm glad he has a cat to watch out for him in your series. Did Edgar Allen Poe have a cat? Is Cattarina based on that cat, another real cat, or is she purely fictional?

MS: Oh, yes. He truly owned a tortoiseshell cat named Cattarina. That’s what made writing (and researching) the book all the more interesting. In one letter home, he referred to her as “Catters,” a nickname I use in my book. Frustratingly, I’ve found at least three spellings of her name throughout historical documents. So I picked the one I liked the most.

Kathy: I've heard lots of paranormal things about Eastern State Penitentiary. Have you seen any ghost hunting television shows featuring it? Have you been there yourself?

MS: I love ghost-hunting shows, even though I’ve heard many of them are faked. I’ve also been on ghost tours, including the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park (the setting for The Shining), the St. Augustine lighthouse, and the Del Coronado Hotel in San Diego (where the bathroom light flipped on all by itself - twice). I’ve never been to Eastern State, but when I go to Philly, that will be my second stop. The first, of course, will be to Mr. Poe’s house.

Kathy: What first drew you to cozy mysteries?

MS: I like all kinds of mysteries. But I have a special place in my heart for cozies since I grew up reading Agatha Christie novels in high school. In fact, I still read them. Though I’m strictly a Poirot girl. None of that Miss Marple stuff for me! In fact, Cattarina reminds me a little of Poirot—fastidious and arrogant. J

Kathy: Do you write in any other genres?

MS: Lots. This gets me into trouble because readers don’t know what to make of my books. I’ve written young adult, middle grade, and a picture book. Up next? A collection of horror suspense stories. But they’re all decidedly weird. So I guess that unifies them.

Kathy: Tell us about your series.

MS: The Cattarina Mysteries follow Cattarina, Edgar Allan Poe’s cat, as she solves mysteries and inspires great literary works. The first, The Tell-Tail Heart, is loosely based on “The Tell-Tale Heart.” The second, The Black Cats, reveals secrets behind “The Black Cat.” The third book is The Raven of Liberty (June release). You can probably guess the inspiration behind this one! The collection also contains “To the River,” a short story about Cattarina’s kittenhood and Mr. Eakins’ Book of Cats, an illustrated companion to The Black Cats. Whew, I’ve been busy!

Kathy: Do you have a favorite character? If so, who and why?

MS: I think my favorite character is Virginia Poe, Edgar Allan Poe’s wife. She was a child bride and came down with consumption at an early age, so she never got a chance to do much “living.” This helped me tremendously when writing her character. I imagine she felt pretty useless at times, living in the shadow of a famous husband.

Kathy: What made you decide to publish your work?

MS: I tried the traditional route for the longest time. Even with the help of two different agents, I never found the right publisher. So in 2012, I finally indie published my young adult novel, Season of Lies (another talking animal book). When I completed The Tell-Tail Heart, I didn’t even think about “old skool” publishing. I uploaded it straight to Amazon (after editing, of course). I still think about the traditional route from time to time. But indie publishing has been great.

Kathy: If you could have a dinner party and invite 4 authors, living or dead, in any genre, who would you invite?

MS: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain. The conversation would be fabulous, and I’m fairly certain there would be a food fight.

Kathy: What are you currently reading?

MS: Right now, I’m reading Periodic Tales: The Curious Lives of the Elements. It’s a collection of non-fiction essays about the periodic table and not as boring as it sounds. I’m also starting Gone Girl. I think I’m the last person on the planet who hasn’t read it yet. Shhhhhh. I still don’t know “who dun it” even though it’s been made into a movie. Every time my husband starts to talk about it, I plug my ears and sing, “Nah, nah, nah…I can’t hear you…”

Kathy: Will you share any of your hobbies or interests with us?

MS: I love to travel. We own an Airstream travel trailer and drag it everywhere—Key West, the Grand Canyon, Washington DC, you name it. I also collect vintage cookbooks. When I come across a rare vegetarian cookbook, I snap it up. (I’m a vegetarian.)

Kathy: Name 4 items you always have in your fridge or pantry.

MS: Fage Greek yogurt, La Croix sparkling water, Think Thin protein bars, and cheese…lots and lots of cheese.

Kathy: Do you have plans for future books either in your current series or a new series?

MS: Once I finish the third book in the Cattarina Mysteries, The Raven of Liberty, this concludes my series. After that, I’m moving on to a short story collection and then another mystery project, a serialized novel.

Kathy: What's your favorite thing about being an author?

MS: I tend to highlight different thematic elements in my stories. For instance, in my short story, “The Trash Collector,” I explore the subject of bigotry and narrow-mindedness. It’s gratifying when a reader clearly “gets” the point of my story and says so in a review. It means I’ve done my job as an author.


The author has graciously donated an e-copy of The Tell-Tail Heart to one of my readers. For a chance to win, simply leave a comment on this post telling us yoru thoughts about Edgar Allen Poe. Leave your comment no later than Thursday night, May 21, 2015 at 11:59 PM EDT to be entered. Be sure to leave your e-mail address as well so that I may contact you, should you win!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Bite the Biscuit: Interview, Review, & Giveaway

I'm pleased to welcome Linda O. Johnston back to the blog! You may have read our interview regarding her new Superstition Mystery series. Today we're going to talk about her second brand new series, the Barkery and Biscuits Mystery series. Bite the Biscuit, the first book in the series, was just released earlier this month.

Kathy: In Bite the Biscuit Carrie Kennersly converts a bakery into the Barkery where she makes and sells dog treats. Is the Barkery based on a real bakery for animal treats, or is it purely fictional?  

LOJ: The Barkery is entirely fictional, although I'm seeing more and more stores open that are all about creating fresh and healthy food and treats for dogs right on their premises.  There are even chains of dog bakeries with stores popping up various places.  People obviously love to feed their dogs good stuff!

Kathy: Do you bake treats for your dogs? Do you buy them treats from a canine bakery?

LOJ: I unfortunately don't bake treats for my dogs, although I do buy fresh treats sometimes from dog food stores for my older dog, Lexie, who loves them and orders me constantly to take her outside so she can get a treat when she comes in again!  My younger dog, Mystie, is on prescription food from her vet, and I don't want to try her on anything new for fear of causing a flare-up of her tummy issues.

Kathy: I absolutely adore the cover of Bite the Biscuit. Did you have any input in the design?

LOJ: I do get input into the cover design, which is fun.  I'm sent an initial rendering and then can say if I'd like any changes, which are incorporated into the final.  I love the cover of Bite the Biscuit, too!

Kathy: Was there a specific inspiration for this series?

LOJ: Not specifically, other than my love for dogs and cozy mysteries.  The main general inspiration for this series and my others is my always active imagination.  

Kathy: Are you able to share any future plans for Carrie?

LOJ: Fortunately, Carrie's Barkery and bakery are big successes so she can hire more assistants.  She continues to enjoy having her dog Biscuit hang out at the Barkery with her, too.  On the whole, she's going to continue to spend her time mostly at her entrepreneurial ventures and also remaining a part-time veterinary technician because she loves it.  And, yes, unfortunately for Carrie, additional murders crop up around her.

Kathy: Your mysteries have a distinctly canine focus. Why are dogs so important?

LOJ: I adore dogs and always have!  It's fun for me to feature them in my stories.  Dogs are members of the family and always there for people, so why not feature them in situations where they also fictionally help their humans?  

Kathy: I too am an animal lover and supporter. While I love dogs, I am currently dogless and am more focused on my cats and rats (with a shout out to my horse, Harley, who often gets left out of my mystery animals talks). Was there something that made you such an animal advocate? Do you have suggestions for readers on how they can help pets? 

LOJ: As I said, I've always loved dogs.  I'm a bit of a hypocrite because I've been owned by one breed, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, for a very long time, but I do advocate people adopting rescue dogs.  I started volunteering at a local shelter when I was researching an earlier mystery series, my Pet Rescue Mysteries, and learned a lot more about how people can help to prevent so many dogs winding up in shelters instead of loving homes--including by spaying and neutering.  Also, as much as I consider dogs to be family members, I recognize that not everyone does, and in those instances they shouldn't adopt, in my opinion, since the dogs are more likely to wind up in shelters.  At least there are quite a few private shelters these days that take good care of the dogs and other pets they bring in until they do find them loving homes, since, unfortunately, public shelters do wind up killing a lot of animals because they have no room to keep them. Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now but I do wish people thought things through more in their treatment of pets.
And hugs to your cats, rats and Harley!

Kathy: Will you share any other upcoming books?

LOJ: Yes!  I have two other books coming out this year.  The first, Canadian Wolf, is a Harlequin Nocturne paranormal romance that happens to feature dogs... and werewolves!  It will be out in September.  The next is Knock on Wood, my second Superstition Mystery for Midnight Ink, which also publishes my Barkery & Biscuits Mysteries.  It'll be an October release. Yes, the Superstition Mysteries feature dogs, too, since my protagonist manages a pet boutique in the town of Destiny, California, which is all about superstitions!  And I'm also working now on the second Barkery & Biscuits Mystery which will be out around May next year.
Thanks for having me here!



Bite the Biscuit by Linda O. Johnston
The First Barkery and Biscuit Mystery

Carrie Kennersly loves her job as a veterinary technician in the small town of Knobcone Heights, but when the opportunity presents itself to own her own business, Carrie takes the plunge. While still working part time as a vet tech, she has just taken over her friends bakery and converted it into 2 stores: Icing, a bakery for people, and the Barkery, a bakery for pets! Her grand opening is going well, until Myra Ethman and her husband, owner of the town's pet store, enter spewing venom about Carrie's hand made dog treats and threatening to close her business down. The couple refuse to leave and Carrie finally tells the crowd that she'll find a way to keep Myra quiet! The next morning Carrie awakes to the news of Myra's murder and discovers she's the prime suspect! 

Linda O. Johnston brings her love of animals to another new series with  Bite the Biscuit. I truly enjoyed my time in Knobcone, California. Carrie is a down to earth character who has an adorable dog and two wonderful careers. The author introduces a few romantic possibilities, but Carrie wisely puts those ideas on the back burner as she juggles her new shop and employees, her old job, as well as her friends and family. The focus is more on solving the mystery and any romantic entanglements are secondary. 

As for the mystery, Linda O. Johnston gives us a victim we dislike and plenty of suspects with motive. Bite the Biscuit gave me clues, red herrings, and lots of detailed characterization which had me puzzling over the suspects. Since the author also had me craving baked goods, I'm pleased to say she also included recipes for both humans and dogs.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Currently Reading...

I just started reading Death by Didgeridoo by Barbara Venkataraman. This book is the first in the Jamie Quinn Mystery series. Death by Didgeridoo is a short book, more of a novella, that introduces Jamie Quinn, a lawyer who practices family law. Jamie is still reeling from the death of her mother when her aunt calls pleading for help. Jamie's cousin Adam has just been arrested for murder! Will Jamie, who knows nothing about criminal law, be able to help?

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Living History Museum Interview & Review

I'm so happy to welcome Amanda Flower back to Cozy Up With Kathy. Amanda has visited previously talking about her Amish Quilt Shop Mystery series, Appleseed Creek Mystery series and her Andi Boggs Novels. Today we talk about her brand new series, The Living History Museum Mystery series.

Kathy: With The Final Reveille, you start a new series. While your previous mysteries have centered around Amish communities the Living History Museum Mystery series does not. Was there a reason for this departure?

AF: I wrote the proposal for The Final Reveille before my two Amish series sold. The Amish novels sold very quickly, and the Living History Museum Mysteries had to be put on hold. I'm thrilled to be finally writing it.

Kathy: Was there a specific inspiration for this series?

AF: Yes. When I was in college, I worked at a living history museum for one summer. I knew it was the perfect setting for a cozy mystery.

Kathy: I've always loved the idea of time travel. I'm pretty much come to grips with the fact that while I can't "really" go back in time I can "sort of go back in certain time periods" with the help of living museums. I'm fortunate in that I have the Genesee Country Village and Museum close by so that I can easily take a trip to a 19th century American village. How did you decide to make a living museum the scene for your new mystery series?

AF: I have been waiting to write a cozy set at a living history museum even since I work at one. Finally, I got the chance when Midnight Ink bought the idea.

Kathy: Is Barton Farm based on a real living museum?

AF: Nope, but it's based on several that I know.

Kathy: Do you have a favorite part of a living museum? For me it's a toss up between seeing the animals and trying my hand at some sort of craft as well as seeing anything about the Shakers or any other 19th century Utopian society or religious group-a particular interest of mine.

AF: I like to see the people in period dress and the ones who refuse to break character no matter what. That's dedication to your work. You will see some instances of that in the series.

Kathy: Civil War reenactments are quite popular. Have you ever attended one?

AF: I have. I have been to several reenactments and find them so interesting. It's an fascinating hobby to be sure.

Kathy: Are you able to share any future plans for Kelsey?

AF: Yes, Kelsey will be back in two more novels. Book two, The Final Tap, releases May 2016 and centers around the maple sugaring season in Ohio. I'm not sure what book three will be yet.

Kathy: Will you share any other upcoming books?

AF: Sure! I have three books coming in October 2015. My upcoming books are:

Murder, Plainly Read, Amish Quilt Shop Mystery #4 written as Isabella Alan

Andi Unstoppable, Andi Boggs #3, a mystery for kids

An Amish Christmas at North Star, a four part anthology that includes a novella by me



The Final Reveille by Amanda Flower
The First Living History Museum Mystery

Kelsey Cambridge is the director of Barton Farms, a living history museum in Ohio. For the past two years Kelsey, who lives on the farm with her father and young son, has brought new ideas, and increased crowds to the museum with the financial help of benefactress Cynthia Cherry. Things become worrisome when Maxwell Cherry, Cynthia's son, who has no interest in history and thinks donating to the museum is a waste of time, tells Kelsey that his mother is ill and he'll be taking over her foundation's charitable work...and will stop funding the museum. As if Kelsey doesn't have enough to worry about with the current Civil War reenactment on museum grounds! Things get worse when Maxwell's body is found in the village and Kelsey becomes prime suspect in his murder. Searching for answers to clear her name Kelsey also faces her ex-husbands threats over custody of their son, a suspicious Civil War medic, a detective who seems to have it out for her, and several people who had cause to murder the unpleasant Maxwell Cherry!

This book is the first in the Living History Museum series and it's off to a great start. I love living history museums and am lucky enough to have the Genesee Country Village and Museum nearby. So I was thrilled to see this new series. Amanda Flower has captured the ambiance of living history museums with her docents who stay in character (even with annoying teenagers trying to get them to break character), the featured activities of the town ( I'd like to make a brick), and the added excitement, and trials, of having civil war reenactors about! Not only that, she has crafted a finely tuned mystery. We have interesting suspects and I enjoyed not knowing quite who to trust.

Amanda Flower combines a love of history and the importance of family into a fresh mystery novel complete with engaging characters and interesting facts set against a background of 19th century living in a 21st century world.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Oh Fudge! An Interview & Giveaway

I'm pleased to welcome Nancy Coco to Cozy Up With Kathy today. Nancy pens the Candy Coated Mystery series. Oh Say Can You Fudge is the third book in the series and was just released April 28th.

Kathy: You write your Candy Coated Mystery series under the name Nancy Coco. I must ask-is Coco used to remind readers of cocoa, and consequently chocolate and fudge?

NC: Yes, actually the pen name was created for that purpose and we thought it was a cute reminder. It's always good to have fun with everything you do. Don't you think?

Kathy: Setting is so important, especially in a cozy series. How did Mackinac Island come to be the location of the Candy Coated Mystery series?

NC: I grew up in Michigan and we traveled over the Mackinaw bridge to vacation in the upper peninsula in the summers. My mom knew the area very well and I thought it would be the perfect setting for a cozy series. I contacted The Island Book store and was surprised that they didn't have a series set there. So we ran a contest with their readers on what the protagonist of the series should do and Fudge maker was number one. That was how the series was born.

Kathy: I love fudge. I make my own at Christmas time, but happily buy it from other locations through the year, especially those unique flavors. Do you have a favorite fudge flavor? Is there one you always have to have or do you prefer variety?

NC: I love fudge, too! Oh I could never pick a favorite fudge flavor. Every time I go into a candy store and see a new flavor I have to try it. I get a lot of my recipe ideas from people. They tell me, "I'd love to try a fudge with pepper in it or key lime" and so I create a fudge. The 21 and over fudges came from a request for fudge made with Captain Morgan rum. The recipe with the best reaction from my taste testers was the pecan pie recipe in Oh Say Can You Fudge- people were fighting over the crumbs.

Kathy: Oh Say Can You Fudge is set around the Fourth of July. Although I don't really celebrate Independence Day now, when I was a kid the 4th of July was a big deal. I remember picnics, parades, and fireworks. Do you celebrate this holiday? Have those celebrations changed since you were young?

NC: Yes, I love the holiday. Picnics and fireworks. When we were young we'd get to stay up late to watch the fireworks and to play with sparklers. My own children loved the screaming chicken fireworks that I wrote about in the book. It's a fun time.

Kathy: What first drew you to cozy mysteries?

NC: I loved "Murder She Wrote" and was always an avid fan of traditional mysteries. I had the pleasure of studying mysteries for my Master's program and I learned a lot from great cozy authors like Victoria Thompson who writes the Gaslight series.

Kathy: Do you write in any other genres?

NC: Yes, I wrote a couple of sweet historical romance series that are still available on Amazon.

Kathy: Tell us about your series.

NC: Oh, gosh, Okay - I write the Kensington Candy-Coated series as Nancy Coco. It's a fun series set on the Island Time forgot - where there are no cars allowed and people walk, bike or take a horse drawn taxi around the island. Then I write the Gluten-free Baker's Treat mystery series for Berkley Prime Crime. This fun series is set in OilTop, KS. The protagonist is running a gluten free bakery in the middle of wheat country, managing her huge, nosey family and trying to rebuild her life after her divorce. My favorite character in that series is Toni's Grandma Ruth based not so loosely on my own Grandma Ruth. I also write a third series- the Perfect Proposal series for Berkley Prime Crime. In this series, Pepper Pomeroy runs a proposal planning business and finds that sometimes love is complicated by murder.

Kathy: Do you have a favorite character? If so, who and why?

NC: No- no favorites. I love them all. They are family to me.

Kathy: Did you have a specific inspiration for your series?

NC: My mother inspired the Candy coated series. The gluten-free series was inspired by my own diagnoses of celiac disease and the trouble I had finding good gluten free baked goods and Julie Hyzy inspired the Perfect Proposal series.

Kathy: What made you decide to publish your work?

NC: The most magical thing about writing is sharing it with readers. Something happens when I pull a story out of my mind and you recreate it in yours. There's a connection and a magic in the process that I adore.

Kathy: If you could have a dinner party and invite 4 authors, living or dead, in any genre, who would you invite?

NC: I would be honored to meet: Jane Austen, Emily Dickinson, Margaret Atwood and Laura Ingalls Wilder What are you currently reading? I follow - she lists all the newest cozies and I try to read them all.

Kathy: Will you share any of your hobbies or interests with us?

NC: I love to bake and make candy and read and paint and hike and I have a sock making kit, but I've not opened it yet.

Kathy: Name 4 items you always have in your fridge or pantry.

NC: butter, eggs, honey and cocoa.

Kathy: Do you have plans for future books either in your current series or a new series?

NC: Yes, I'm working on book four in the Candy coated series, book three in the Perfect Proposal series and book one in a brand new series to be announced.

Kathy: What's your favorite thing about being an author?

NC: Sharing the stories in my head. :D

Friday, May 8, 2015

Review & Giveaway - Ming Tea Murder


Ming Tea Murder by Laura Childs
The 16th Tea Shop Mystery

Theodosia Browning has once again become embroiled in a murder.

Theodosia and the gang are back. Theo is attending the exclusive black tie opening gala for the Gibbes Museum. It's not quite her cup of tea, even though the museum is exhibiting an 18th century Chinese tea house. But she's there to support her boyfriend, Max, the public relations director for the museum. Festivities grind to a halt when Theo discovers the murdered body of a major museum donor. Things get even stickier when Max gets fired! Theo is determined to set things right and prove Max isn't the killer-even if he did publicly fight with the dead man, days, then minutes, before the murder. There are plenty of other suspects though-the wife, the girlfriend, the business partner...Theodosia is sure to explore all the possibilities, while brewing up tea and serving the delightful delicacies of the Indigo Tea Shop.

Laura Childs brings us the civility of tea, the historic charm of a Chinese tea house, and the upper echelon of Charleston Society in Ming Tea Murder. She also shows us the unseemliness of these patrons of the arts. Our murder victim had, not only a wife, but a mistress -each of whom knew the other- and each of whom had serious issues with the not so dearly departed. We also have Elliot Kern, the unpleasant director of the Gribbes Museum who finds in Max the perfect Scapegoat. We also get to meet the victim's business partner, who has become quite chummy with the widow Charlotte.

Determined to not only prove Max's innocence, but get his job at the museum back, Theo starts talking with the players in this deadly game and even teams up with the most assuredly lower class reporter Bill Glass. With the assistance of Drayton, the support of Haley, and love of Earl Grey Theodosia buckles down to solve another case.

Ming Tea Murder is another solid entry to Laura Childs Tea Shop Mystery series. With plenty of suspects to consider, new characters to entertain (Aunt Acid makes me smirk) and the comforting background of the Indigo Tea Shop, Laura Childs gives us another view of Charleston Society, one where museums, tea, and murder, go hand in hand.

Recipes and Tea Time Tips included.

Laura Childs has graciously offered a copy of Ming Tea Murder for two of my readers! If you'd like a chance to receive your very own copy all you have to do is leave a comment on this post telling us your favorite type of tea. Leave your comment no later than 11:59 pm EDT May 10th 2015 and be sure to leave your e-mail address as well so that I may contact you should you win! Good luck!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Currently Reading...

I'm currently reading The Golden Age of Murder by Martin Edwards. This book is not a cozy mystery, but it's about the genesis of them. The Golden Age of Murder is a highly researched book of non fiction about the Detection Club. Founded in the late 1920s, the group was "an elite social network of writers". Some of the greatest writers of detective fiction of all time were members of this exclusive club. Giving details about the club itself, Edwards also tells the stories of some of his members-whose lives could be just as mysterious as their novels. I was aware of the true life disappearance of Agatha Christie (of course, I know what happened to her as well-she was recovering from investigating a series of murders caused by a Vespiform), but was unfamiliar with the lives of some of the other members of this Club, Dorothy L. Sayers, G. K. Chesterton, and Anthony Berkeley, for example. I'm enjoying learning more about the people who set the standard for this amazing genre!

To see a glimpse of how I learned what really happened to Agatha Christie check out this video:

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Spotlight & Giveaway - The Last Witness

The Last Witness

by Jerry Amernic

on Tour May 2015

The year is 2039, and Jack Fisher is the last living survivor of the Holocaust. Set in a world that is abysmally complacent about events of the last century, Jack is a 100-year-old man whose worst memories took place before he was 5. His story hearkens back to the Jewish ghetto of his birth and to Auschwitz where, as a little boy, he had to fend for himself to survive after losing his family. Jack becomes the central figure in a missing-person investigation when his granddaughter suddenly disappears. While assisting police, he finds himself in danger and must reach into the darkest corners of his memory to come out alive.

Book Details:

Genre: Historical Thriller
Published by: Story Merchant Books
Publication Date: October 29th 2014
Number of Pages: 334
ISBN: 9780990421658
Purchase Links: Amazon Barnes & Noble Goodreads

Read an excerpt:

Chapter 1
New York City, 2035

He was a tough sort. Ninety-five years old with elastic skin stretched across his bones like taut canvas, he was supposed to be an easy mark. Fragile and weak. A pushover. Albert Freedman lived by himself in a flat on the upper East Side, and when they came for him they didn’t expect any trouble. Albert knew something wasn’t right when the second one walked in, but the voice was soft and reassuring.
“We’re here to change your palm reader,” he said through the door. We’re doing all the apartments on your floor today and you’re the first. It won’t take five minutes.”
“You’re here to change my what?”
“Your palm reader.”
“I donno what yer talkin’ about. Go away!”
“You don’t understand. There’s a problem with the sensor. You know, the thing that opens your door when you put your hand in front of it? The palm reader?”
“It scans your hand. Your print. Then it lets you in.”
“Look,” the man said, more softly now. “Mr. Freedman? You are Albert Freedman, aren’t you?”
“I realize you don’t want to be bothered but this is for your security. It’s like putting a new lock on the door.”
“A new lock?”
“That’s right. The sensor in your palm reader is ten years old.”
“It is?”
“The year’s inscribed on the side of the door. It says 2025. See for yourself.”
Albert looked, but he didn’t see anything. His eyes weren’t good. “Where does it say that?” he said.
“On the side of the door. It might be hard to read. The numbers are small.”
“Where are they?”
“Trust me. The thing is ten years old and it’s not working right. But we have new ones now that are much better. But it’s not only that. You see there was a break-in last week and they want everyone’s palm reader changed. That’s why we’re here. You’re the first one on our list, Mr. Freedman. We’ll be done in five minutes. Can we come in?”
“Five minutes you say?”
“That’s all it takes.”
He started jiggling the latch from the inside and then he stopped. “Wait a minute. Why am I the first one? This isn’t the first flat on the floor. You should be down at the end of the hall. Unless you’re doing it alphabetically and then you wouldn’t be starting with me. Why am I the first one?”
He was ninety-five years old. He wasn’t supposed to be asking questions like that. He was just supposed to open the door so they could kill him and make it look like a robbery.
There was an audible sigh from outside the door. “Look Mr. Freedman. It's like this. Doing all these sensors isn’t going to be much fun for us but the landlord said you’re a nice guy and we thought we’d start with you.”
At first nothing and then the jiggling from inside the door started again.
“All right. Come in. But make it fast.”
Albert released the latch that was linked to a sensor that had nothing wrong with it in a building where there had been no break-ins the past week, the past month or the past year. The first man through the door was short and slight, thirtyish with close-cropped hair and a soothing voice. He had a tattoo on his arm that looked like a snake, and if Albert had seen that he wouldn’t have opened the door. But then it was too late.
“Thank you,” the man said with a disarming smile.
The one behind him, younger and bigger with straggly hair and brown skin, burst through the door and pushed Albert out of the way. Old Albert fell against the wall and managed to brace himself with his hand, but the sudden impact jarred his wrist. The arthritis. Then the girl appeared, tall and skinny, dressed in black. Albert never got a good look at their faces, but it didn’t matter. He would be dead before they left.
“Where do you keep the money?” the girl screamed at him. “Tell us!
The small slim man with the snake on his arm turned, retreated into the hallway and closed the door behind him. In his hand was a little gadget with a screen on it. He touched the screen and a list of names came up. He ran his fingertip over the last name – Albert Freedman’s name – and it disappeared. Then he was gone.
The girl began riffling through Albert’s cupboards and drawers. Albert was confused. He didn’t get many visitors.
“Where do you keep the money?” the girl said again.
“What do you want?”
“Your money!”
The man who was now inside Albert’s flat didn’t waste any time. He came for him with his fists clenched. He hit him in the face and knocked him to the floor. Albert fell on his side, his hip, but was close enough to the door so he could reach behind it for his cane. The one with the heavy metal handle. He always kept it there.
Blood dripping from his nose, he scrambled to his knees, brought the cane back over his head, and with every ounce of strength he had walloped the intruder or thief or whatever he was across the ankles. There was a loud cry, but Albert wasn’t finished. He got to his feet, straightened up, and brought his cane back a second time. Now he turned on the girl and landed that metal handle square on the back of her shoulders.
“I’ll kill you both!” he said.
But Albert was old and the man was enraged now. He tore the cane from Albert’s hands and started hitting him with it. He hit him on the head. He hit him on the chest. He hit him on the arms. Albert tried to shield himself with his flailing hands, but the blows were relentless. They kept coming and coming and coming. The girl was going through his drawers, throwing everything she found on the floor. Albert always kept his place neat and he didn’t like that, but he could barely see through his eyes now.
“Here’s his wallet,” she said. “Get it over with.”
The beating took less than a minute. Albert, barely conscious, lay on the floor, bloodied and battered to a pulp, a near corpse of broken bones. He couldn’t move and the only thing to feel was pain. The man with the brown skin and straggly hair turned him over so he was face down and all there was to see was the cold dusty floor. It was the last thing Albert would see in his ninety-five years. He sniffed at the acrid air as a knee went deep into his back and the cane came up under his chin. Albert gurgled a few times, there was a crack, and his body went limp.



amazon Goodreads
Jerry Amernic's next novel QUMRAN is a biblical-historical thriller about an archeologist who makes a dramatic discovery in the Holy Land. It’s something that could set the world on its edge. He is both an atheist and an expert on the Romans, but this find more than upsets his logical theory of the universe, leading to a struggle between science and religion. Indeed, this intersection where science meets religion is the theme of the novel.
In historical flashbacks, we see him as a young archeology student who helps discover the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran, just off the Dead Sea, and it happens when the State of Israel is being created. Later, he gets involved with investigating the legends of the Holy Grail and Holy Shroud of Turin, and each time out another Arab-Israeli war is tearing the Middle East apart. Throw in his close friend who is a brilliant Egyptian pathologist, along with his Israeli research assistant and his wife who is an authority on ancient languages and you have a foursome standing against the world. But the new discovery must be studied in secret. Or all Hell will break loose.


Author Bio:

authorJerry Amernic is a Toronto writer who has been a newspaper reporter and correspondent, newspaper columnist, feature writer for magazines, teacher of journalism, and media consultant. His first book 'Victims: The Orphans of Justice' was a true story about a former police officer whose eldest daughter was murdered and who became a leading advocate for crime victims. This resulted in Jerry’s column about the justice system for The Toronto Sun. More recently Jerry co-authored 'Duty - The Life of a Cop' with Julian Fantino, the highest-profile police officer Canada has ever produced and now a member of the Canadian Cabinet. In fiction, Jerry’s first novel 'Gift of the Bambino' was praised by The Wall Street Journal in the U.S., The Globe and Mail in Canada, and others. His latest novel is the historical thriller 'The Last Witness'. Just released is the biblical-historical thriller 'Qumran'.

Catch Up:
Jerry Amernic's website Jerry Amernic's twitter Jerry Amernic's facebook

Tour Participants:

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This is a giveaway hosted by Partners In Crime Virtual Book Tours for Jerry Amernic. There will be ONE U.S. or Canadian winner. The giveaway begins on May 1st, 2015 and runs through June 12th, 2015.


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