Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Specter of Seduction - A Review


The Third Pluto's Snitch Mystery

Waverly Mansion was a marvel of architecture and a glorious old plantation until the Civil War and the actions of a Southern Belle destroyed everything. Called to the mansion to help the current owners, Raissa and Reginald travel to Mississippi. It seems the couple's daughter is acting more mature than her eight years. She also has an imaginary friend who may not be so imaginary. Dealing with college students trespassing on the property to fool around and a child acting older than her years is just the start. Raissa will have to uncover the truth of Union spy Nora Bradley. Was she really the evil temptress who wrought the destruction of the Norquist family and who still seeks to claim Waverly as her own? Or is there something older, something even more powerful, that seeks to possess not only Waverly, but Raissa, body and soul.

Set in the 1920s THE SPECTER OF SEDUCTION is a historical mystery, but it's a double historical in that Raissa has to delve further into the past, solving what for her is a historical mystery to go along with her modern one. What I found thrilling is that she spoke with two characters who were actually alive during the Civil War, one of whom was once a slave. Instead of relying on legend, Raissa talked with people who actually knew Nora and witnessed what happened, the veritable destruction of a family.

Carolyn Haines is a master of creating a Gothic ambiance in her Pluto's Snitch mysteries. Oppressive heat and bloodsucking insects add to the stifling unpleasant atmosphere that surrounds Waverly. Despite the amazing architecture and current renovations the mansion makes you want to flee. The lack of electricity and telephone service along with its remote location adds to the isolation which increases both anxiety and danger. I love old abandoned buildings and have enjoyed exploring old mental institutions and haunted locations, but I would give Waverly a wide berth! Carolyn Haines has created a house tainted by its past, possessed by its present, and I don't even care to be part of its future! It's a location I'm glad is fictional.

The juxtaposition of evil spirits versus the evil done by man is at the heart of this book. There's much more to Waverly than meets the eye and it's fascinating to see Raissa peel back the layers. While a powerful entity seems to be the root of the problems, it's much more than that. Something human is equally as evil as the demon. In order to find peace, the truth must be revealed, the whole truth.

I absolutely loved THE SPECTER OF SEDUCTION. Ingeniously plotted, it's a haunting, eerie, and pulse pounding mystery that kept me on the edge of my seat.


  1. Thank you for the in-depth review. For a writer, one of the biggest joys is when a reader steps into our fictional world and shares our experience.

  2. Wow! I don't think my little Amazon review of one paragraph can hold a candle to this review, but I loved it too. I read the 3 books back to back and hope there is a 4th very soon. I was so into it, reading the ending of it last night and my Amazon Fire just shut down with a "put device on charger." So I had to wait until it charged back up so I could finish it. It was worth the wait! Note to self: make sure your kindle is charged up before reading!

    I can't wait until book 4!!!!!

    1. Thank you! Your Kindle not allowing you to finish is certainly an issue!!

      I can't wait until Book 4 as well.
