Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Currently Reading...

I just finished reading Ghosts, Lore, and a House by the Shore by Nellie H. Steele. This book is the first in the Lily and Cassie Mystery series and will be released April 5, 2022.

A tragic accident left both Lily Bennett and Cassandra Bennett-McGuire widows. Mother and daughter, unable to face homes filled with memories, decide to make a fresh start. Choosing the small town of Hideaway Bay, the pair buy an estate on the edge of town, and rent a storefront in town for their dream gift shop-Buy the Sea. They soon discover that their home has a tragic history and is supposedly haunted by more than one ghost. A ship captain lost at sea, his grieving widow jumped to her death from the widow's walk and centuries later a young girl disappears and her parents die in an apparent murder/suicide. No wonder townsfolk shudder at the mention of the house. Lily and Cassie are captivated when they find the widow's journal and discover the missing girl was researching the captain's alleged treasure. Soon odd sounds and vandalism start plaguing the pair. Someone isn't happy that they're looking into the past. But is it a ghost? Or a more worldly tormentor?

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

A Disappearance at the Bonne Nuit Hotel - An Interview

I'm pleased to welcome Dominique Daoust to Cozy Up With Kathy today. Dominique is the author of the Deadly Exclusives Trilogy. A Disappearance in the Bonne Nuit Hotel is the first book and will be released April 1, 2022.

Kathy: The Deadly Exclusives Trilogy is set in Montreal in 1930. Why did you choose this setting and time period?

DD: I've been obsessed with that era since I was a teenager discovering Old Hollywood movies on the Turner Classic Movies channel. It's a different energy that I wanted to tap into and the slang is just so fun! In terms of the setting, I grew up in the suburbs of Montreal and it's not a location I've seen showcased in many books I've read so I thought why not?

Kathy: Historical mysteries require a special kind of research. What is your favorite method?

DD: I think being a fan of a different era helps out tremendously because I'm already devouring any book or movie relating to it, and that helps give me the right context for setting a story. Other than that, I would research any little detail as I was writing to make sure all peripheral elements add up with the 1930s.

Kathy: In A Disappearance in the Bonne Nuit Hotel we meet Rita Larose, a new reporter. Have you ever wanted to be a reporter?

DD: Yes! I have a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism from Concordia University in Montreal. I started the program in 2010 when journalism was going through some big transitions due to social media and the internet. The profession has evolved so much and I couldn't necessarily see myself reporting day in, day out. That being said, I've used many skills I've learned in journalism school since my time there.

Kathy: What first drew you to cozy mysteries, especially historicals?

DD: I think we can all agree these past few years have been a little rough, so sometimes true crime and intense dramas felt like too much to handle. I was looking for something light and fun that still had a mystery element to it. I did some research and then the cozy mystery world opened up to me! And since I've been obsessed with historical fiction for years, it was a no-brainer to reach for historical cozies.

Kathy: Do you write in any other genres?

DD: I've dabbled in more traditional thrillers but I haven't published any yet.

Kathy: Tell us about your series.

DD: The Deadly Exclusives Trilogy is about Rita Larose, a newbie reporter who wants to tackle big stories. Along the way she discovers something surprising about herself which ends up being an asset and a nuisance all wrapped in one!

I would describe this series as a comedic, supernatural cozy mystery set in the 1930s. For the first book in the series (A Disappearance at the Bonne Nuit Hotel) I was inspired by my time in journalism school and my first job as a chambermaid. And then things just snowballed from there!

Kathy: Do you have a favorite character? If so, who and why?

DD: I would have to say Rita Larose because she's stubborn, goofy and wants to do well. I also have a soft spot for Elsie, who was also a joy to write.

Kathy: Did you have a specific inspiration for your series?

DD: I was inspired by the movies Topper Returns and His Girl Friday for their madcap supernatural and journalistic elements respectively. I also love The Diviners Series by Libba Bray and the Starfire Cozy Mysteries Series by indie author London Lovett. I was also heavily influenced by Joan Blondell and Glenda Farrell's zany friendship which they showcased in seven films together. Women are often pitted against each other in movies, especially back then. But their friendship was always about supporting each other and having a good laugh.

Kathy: What made you decide to publish your work?

DD: I wanted to take matters into my own hands and get my stories out there. I didn't want to rely on anyone else to make it happen. Self-publishing ends up encompassing much more than just writing, but I've been very grateful for everything I've learned so far.

Kathy: If you could have a dinner party and invite 4 authors, living or dead, in any genre, who would you invite?

DD: That's a tough question! I would have to say Gillian Flynn, Tana French, Libba Bray and London Lovett. There'd be such a good mix of conversations about dark thrillers, character development, historical research and prolific, light-hearted series and I would gobble up every word!

Kathy: What are you currently reading?

DD: I'm currently reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. It's about leading a creative life and I'm finding it very interesting.

Kathy: Will you share any of your hobbies or interests with us?

DD: I love reading, going for walks with my dog and doing yoga. I'd also love to add gardener to my list of hobbies so we'll see how things pan out this spring!

Kathy: Name 4 items you always have in your fridge or pantry.

DD: Definitely cheese, popcorn, herbal tea and honey. I think my loved ones would be concerned if I didn't have any on hand!

Kathy: Do you have plans for future books either in your current series or a new series?

DD: I have a few ideas brewing for stories connected to the Deadly Exclusives Trilogy and I would also love to write a cozy series about witches set in the Old Hollywood era! Those are the ideas bouncing around my head at the moment.

Kathy: What's your favorite thing about being an author?

DD: Having the freedom to create a story out of nothing, just from a random idea that's been nagging at you. You can't take that magic for granted! 



Secret sources have a whole new meaning.

Newbie reporter Rita Larose is tired of getting assigned boring stories at one of Montreal's most popular newspapers. It's 1930 after all, women don't need to only write about household chores anymore!  But when a high hat socialite gossips about the New Year's Eve party at the Bonne Nuit Hotel, a riveting mystery falls right into Rita's lap. This is her chance to prove to herself and her underestimating colleagues that she has what it takes to write the hard-hitting articles.

While going undercover as a maid to get the scoop, Rita will soon discover unexpected friendships and an unusual gift of her own to contend with. Will she be able to juggle this newfound ability while not blowing her cover and jeopardizing her career-making article?

For more information check out Dominique Daoust's Instagram account @dominique.daoust

Sunday, March 27, 2022

To Those Who Killed Me - An Interview

I'm pleased to welcome J. T. Siemens to Cozy Up With Kathy today. J. T. writes the Sloane Donovan Mystery series. TO THOSE WHO KILLED ME is the first book in the series and will be released April 1, 2022.

Kathy: In TO THOSE WHO KILLED ME we meet Sloane Donovan, a disgraced ex-cop who now works as a fitness instructor. Have you ever had to make a major career change? Hopefully not by disgrace!

JTS: Thankfully, I’ve never had to leave a career in disgrace, but Covid was the catalyst for a major change in my career as a trainer, in that I began freelancing exclusively. That benefitted my writing as I was able to more favorably restructure my schedule.

Kathy: As a mental health professional I believe in the importance of lifting the stigma from mental illness. Why do you think it's important to have a protagonist with a diagnosis?

JTS: Some of the aspects of Sloane’s physicality and psychology are loosely based on some people I’ve known, and her backstory was developed from some of the anecdotes they were kind enough to provide. Sloane’s psychiatric past is important to the story, as well as to her struggles and growth as a character. I didn’t want to beat people over the head with the fact that she deals with bipolar disorder, but based on my research, I thought that as much as it might hold her back, certain aspects of it could actually prove to be beneficial in solving crimes.

Kathy: As Sloane looks into her friend's death she explores the seamier sides of Vancouver, even those hiding behind a golden veneer. If you were investigating would you rather stick to the mean streets or slip into those wealthy enclaves? Which do you think is sleazier?

JTS: I prefer the mean streets, hands down. They are tough, gritty, real, and devoid of pretense. I find wealthy enclaves anywhere sterile and somewhat boring. That said, having spent twenty-five years working in a country club similar to the one Sloane worked in, I can unequivocally state that there is way more sleaze to be found in places like that than in the streets of the Downtown Eastside. It’s big money sleaze, and the trickle-down effect of that is immense.

Kathy: What first drew you to thrillers?

JTS: First and foremost, I like exciting stories with interesting and dynamic characters. I’ve never been interested in a slow burn tale of someone sitting on a porch and ruminating about loss, no matter how well it is written. So many books are superbly written, but not nearly as many make my pulse speed up, and where I have no choice but to turn the page and keep reading. That’s what I like to read, and what I like to write, whether it’s called crime, mystery, thriller, or suspense.

Kathy: Do you write in any other genres?

JTS: Currently my focus is crime thrillers. It’s just where my creative soul feels most at home.

Kathy: Tell us about your series. 

JTS: The series centers around Sloane Donovan, an ex-cop turned private investigator, who, amid struggling with PTSD and her mental health, finds herself immersed in the kind of cases that affect her the most. These cases are based on real events and issues occurring in and around the city of Vancouver, centering around crimes like human trafficking, missing women and children, and murder.

Kathy: Do you have a favorite character? If so, who and why?

JTS: I have a lot of fun with my characters, even the despicable ones, but my favorite would have to be Sloane. She’s got her issues, but she’s tenacious and fearless, and despite being willing to bend a few rules, she has a strong moral compass and an unwavering desire to seek justice for those who can’t do it for themselves.

Kathy: Did you have a specific inspiration for your series?

JTS: There is a lot of great crime fiction centering around tough male protagonists. There is also a lot featuring really amazing women protagonists, but not many where they are portrayed as physically tough. Yet in my career as a trainer, I’ve met many extremely athletic women who would be able to clean the clocks of most men. So, it’s wasn’t a stretch to imagine a character like that. My inspiration was to do something with this character and this series that I haven’t seen done before.

Kathy: What made you decide to publish your work?

JTS: From the very beginning it was my goal to get published. It took me a little longer than anticipated, but one attribute I have in common with my hero is tenaciousness. I keep going. I keep trying, always.

Kathy: If you could have a dinner party and invite 4 authors, living or dead, in any genre, who would you invite?

JTS: Charles Bukowski, Lawrence Block, Gillian Flynn, Don Winslow. I think that would make for an interesting night.

Kathy: What are you currently reading?

JTS: THE BAT, by Jo Nesbo.

Kathy: Will you share any of your hobbies or interests with us?

JTS: Fitness is huge in my life, and when I’m not in the gym, I’m out on my bike, or doing yoga. In the summer I do a ton of stand-up paddleboarding. And I love to travel! First big trip in over two years will be to Sicily in June, and I can’t wait.

Kathy: Name 4 items you always have in your fridge or pantry.

JTS: Creamy root beer Zevia, chicken, sweet potatoes, various types of mustard.

Kathy: Do you have plans for future books either in your current series or a new series?

JTS: I’ve completed the second book in the Sloane Donovan series, CALL OF THE VOID, and am in second draft mode of the third, entitled BLOOD ALLEY. Beyond that I have a few ideas jotted down on notes, but I like to focus in on one book at a time. That said, even by book three, Sloane has a lot of growth ahead of her, and I’m excited to find out where she goes with it.

Kathy: What's your favorite thing about being an author?

JTS: I love the daily process of sitting down and getting words out, of taking an idea and shaping it, through various drafts, into something that I’m proud of, and that hopefully people will want to read. But my absolute favorite is being immersed in the creative flow of a first draft. That venture into the unknown is a bit scary, but definitely the most exciting, and the most rewarding.



Disgraced ex-cop Sloane Donovan has relied on her job as a fitness instructor to keep her mental illness and PTSD in check--until she finds a close friend dead, apparently by her own hand. Obsessive demons triggered and doubtful of the official narrative, she teams up with Wayne Capson, a PI willing to bend the law, to find out who really killed her friend. The search leads Sloane from Vancouver's wealthiest enclaves to the street's darkest corners, questioning millionaires, tennis instructors, sex workers, former police colleagues--anyone who might provide answers.


For more information, check out the publisher's website: 

Friday, March 25, 2022

Night of the Were-Cat - A Review


NIGHT OF THE WERE-CAT by Eileen Watkins
The Sixth Cat Groomer Mystery 

As Halloween draws ever closer things are getting scary in Chadwick, New Jersey. Some things are scary fun, like cat groomer Cassie McGlone's idea to have a werewolf look alike contest for pets to drive traffic to the town's newly renovated movie theatre and her friend Dawn's booking of a psychic to give readings at her store. Then there's the frightening reality of the robbery at the animal clinic. It appears a drug ring is operating in town and everyone at the clinic is under a cloud of suspicion. When a local young woman dies of an overdose Cassie decides to get involved. Soon Cassie will have more than unruly cats and her ancient heating system to worry about. Will she make it through Halloween unscathed? 

The sixth Cat Groomer Mystery delves into modern societal issues such as drug abuse and its dangers, including drink spiking, while highlighting majestic Maine Coon cats. It's a sophisticated mystery that still is plenty of fun. 

Cassie is a team player and I like how she works with her friends and the police. In the pursuit of the truth she may go a bit too far, but generally she is intelligent about her actions and tries to cover her bases. The relationship between Cassie and Mark makes me smile, and I admit I thought he was about to give her something different at the end of the story. Despite Cassie's skepticism, I love the appearance of Ripley Van Eyck and I hope he comes back in future books.

With thrills, chills, and charming cats, Halloween themed NIGHT OF THE WERE-CAT is a delight to read at any time of the year.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Currently Reading...

I'm currently reading Under Lock & Skeleton Key by Gigi Pandian. This book is the first in the Secret Staircase Mystery series and was released last week.

Tempest Raj was a top rate magician, a successful woman in a male dominated profession. Unfortunately, "was" being the key word. A disastrous fall from grace led Tempest out of Las Vegas and back to her family home in California. Visiting her father's construction crew on a job, they discover something hidden in the old wall. It's not newspaper or the usual debris, but a body. Although it appears the walls haven't been touched in over a hundred years, the body is someone Tempest just saw, her body double, the woman who sabotaged her. But was Cassidy truly the intended victim or was Tempest meant to die? Tempest starts to see and hear things that aren't there. It must be an illusion, or could it be the Raj curse? "The eldest child dies by magic." Tempest is determined to uncover the truth.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Potluck and Poison - A Guest Post & Giveaway

I'm pleased to welcome Addie Dawson to Cozy Up With Kathy today. You can find Addie on the pages of the Spy Kitty in the City series by Bailey Booth. Potluck and Poison is the fifth book in the series and was released last week.

Hi, my name’s Addie Dawson, and I’m the director of Helping Paws Animals Shelter. It’s not unusual to find animals waiting for us when we arrive in the morning. My heart sank the morning there was a soggy cardboard box on the doorstep, but the animal inside at least got left with me. I’d get them fed, healthy, and hopefully into their forever home.

But then Persephone talked to me. She sounds like an old woman with a pack a day habit who’s seen some things. I asked the ladies who work at the shelter with me if they could understand her too, but they couldn’t. Then she told me about the art heist at Gallerie Bellamy.

The theft was all over the news. And the shelter could really use the reward money that was being offered for the safe return of the priceless painting. So Persephone and I teamed up to find the thief. We’ve been solving crimes that animals witnessed ever since.

I never pictured myself as a sleuth. I always wanted to help animals, which was how I started working at Helping Paws. I see what Persephone and I do as a way of doing that—the animals we work with on our cases have witnessed crimes, and now they know justice was served.

Parking Lot Potluck is my favorite TV show. It’s a cooking competition. Each episode, the judges travel to a new city and either offer regional ingredients or dishes to the contestants to reimagine into new dishes. I don’t cook, but ordering takeout and watching Potluck is my happy place.

When I got the call to help solve a case on the show—two judges were poisoned. One died, and the other one was hanging on by a prayer—I wasn’t sure I wanted to do it. Potluck had given me so much happiness, what if I wasn’t able to return the favor? But then I realized that this was the least I could do for the cast and the crew. A Great Dane was the only one who might have a clue about the crime—but she doesn’t want to talk to Persephone. She’s holding a grudge after a cat booped her snout.

I thought the on-air competition was tough—but it was nothing compared to the curveballs thrown at me while trying to solve this case. Take a healthy dose of suspicion, add a dash of deception, and a half a cup of—oh, I can’t tell you what happens. You’ll have to read the book and find out who slipped the oleander into the crab bisque! 


Potluck and Poison (Spy Kitty in the City) by Bailey Booth

About Potluck and Poison

Potluck and Poison (Spy Kitty in the City)
Cozy Mystery 5th in Series
Setting - Seattle
Independently Published (March 17, 2022)

I always dreamed of being a part of my favorite show, Parking Lot Potluck, but I never expected them to ask me to help solve a murder.

Someone poisoned a dish on the popular cooking competition. The host is dead and my favorite judge is in critical condition. The only one who witnessed the crime was Great Dane, Chloe.

Persephone and I are off to Seattle to solve the crime, but things are much different behind the scenes. Have the cast and crew been working on a recipe for deception, or was it a contestant with a case of sour grapes who’s brought production to a halt?

Whatever I do, I have to keep my inner fangirl in check, or my favorite show could get eliminated for good.

About Bailey Booth

Bailey Booth is an animal lover, travel enthusiast, and avid reader. She drinks way too many soy lattes and will probably laugh at your jokes. She also likes long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners…oh wait. Wrong profile. Bailey’s been writing and amateur sleuthing since she was a kid. Fun fact: Spy Kitty in the City came to her in a dream. Follow your dreams!

Author Links: 





Purchase Links - Amazon - B&N - Kobo - Apple  

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Andorra Pett and the Oort Cloud Cafe - An Interview, Review, & Giveaway

I'm pleased to welcome Richard Dee to Cozy Up With Kathy today. Richard pens the Andorra Pett Mystery series. ANDORRA PETT AND THE OORT CLOUD CAFE is the first book in the series.

Kathy: Andorra Pett wants a do over. In order to help get over her ex, she decides to invest in a cafe, even though she can't cook. Have you ever done something out of your own wheelhouse when on the rebound?

RD: Many years ago, I was dumped by a girl who I later found was very ill. Because I was working at sea, she thought I wouldn’t be there to look after her and didn’t want to make me choose. It upset me at the time, looking back I think she was very wise. As a result, I hid away, volunteered for long trips and drank a little more than I should have done. Then I met my wife, quite by chance. The rest, as they say….


Kathy: Andorra is accident-prone and can’t make toast without a recipe and a video. How would you rate your cooking skills? Similar to Andorra or are you a culinary whiz?

RD: When I retired for the first time, I set up and ran an organic bakery, selling Sourdough bread, rolls and biscuits. It was a commercial success but far too time-consuming and I was unable to expand without financial support, which was sadly unavailable. I still bake for myself and my family and I cook a lot. Some of my favourite recipes are on my website and can also be found on my old blog.

Kathy: Setting can play a huge part in mysteries and you've picked a unique one. Why set your series on a space station?

RD: I wanted to try and make the stories different and an amateur detective in space seemed like a good idea. I hadn’t seen the concept explored before, there’s a lot of potential for mystery in space. In many ways, a colony on another planet or a space station is the same as a small town on Earth, with a closed population and nowhere to hide. I hoped the sci-fi element might attract a wider audience.

Kathy: What first drew you to cozy mysteries?

RD: I’ve always been a fan of Agatha Raisin, the British amateur sleuth. And Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple, who is perhaps not as cozy but still a wonderful crime-solver. I like setting an apparently impossible puzzle but giving enough subtle clues to solve it. The best crime to write about is always one where nobody (except the sleuth) realizes that it is a crime.

Kathy: Do you write in any other genres?

RD: I write Science Fiction adventures, as well as some Steampunk. I have several series and stand-alone novels and have just released my first High Fantasy tale.

Kathy: Tell us about your series.

RD: In all, I have over twenty novels and short story collections, this is a brief overview.

Andorra Pett is a light-hearted journey through the solar system with an accident-prone lady who things keep happening to. She has solved crime orbiting Saturn, on Mars, Earth and on an interplanetary space liner. Her latest adventure will be set on the Moon (coming soon).

In my Dave Travise series, we meet a man on the run, hiding behind another person’s identity. This complicates his relationships and means he has swapped one set of problems for another. It also gives him a past that can come back and haunt him.

In the Balcom series, there are corporate misdeeds on a Galactic scale, a missing heiress and a disgraced journalist searching for the truth.

In my Steampunk adventures, we travel to Norlandia, a land of Steam and Clockwork. And Dragons. It’s a society in change, as science advances it has as many problems as our own world. There are heroes and villains, dastardly deeds and a good cup of tea.

My stand-alone novels explore such topics as the frailties of human nature, dual-lives, gang warfare on a planetary scale, artificial life and the winged creatures of legend.

Kathy: Do you have a favorite character? If so, who and why?

RD: Andorra Pett is my favourite, she is based on a combination of my wife and my three daughters. She has all their good qualities as well as some of the infuriating ones.

Kathy: Did you have a specific inspiration for your series?

RD: As well as Agatha Raisin and Miss Marple, there was a British T.V. series called Jonathon Creek, in which a man solved impossible problems using logic and his peculiar way of looking at things. It certainly made me aware of the capacity of quirky puzzles to entertain.

Kathy: What made you decide to publish your work?

RD: At first, I wrote for my own amusement. I showed the results to a novelist who my wife knew, she persuaded me to publish them. I only meant to do one but the ideas kept flowing and people seemed to like them so I carried on.

Kathy: If you could have a dinner party and invite 4 authors, living or dead, in any genre, who would you invite?

RD: Isaac Asimov, Agatha Christie, Ray Bradbury and Wilbur Smith.

Kathy: What are you currently reading?

RD: Project Hail Mary, by Andy Weir.

Kathy: Will you share any of your hobbies or interests with us?

RD: As mentioned above, I cook and bake bread. I also do Cross-stitch embroidery and love walking along the cliffs near my home.

Kathy: Name 4 items you always have in your fridge or pantry.

RD: Various snacks, locally brewed beer, Greek yoghurt and strong Cheddar cheese.

Kathy: Do you have plans for future books either in your current series or a new series?

RD: I have about ten half-finished stories, in various series, as well as some stand-alone ideas. I write something every day, yet no matter how fast I go, new ideas keep coming into my head and that number never gets any smaller.

Kathy: What's your favorite thing about being an author?

RD: I have my own worlds that I can escape into. I share it with people whose lives are exciting.



The First Andorra Pett Mystery

When Andorra Pett finds her boyfriend in bed with her so-called best friend, she decides to get as far away from him as possible. She leaves earth and sets up shop in a space station circling Saturn, turning the now defunct cocktail lounge into a cafe. She soon learns the previous owner was a womanizer who kept a book detailing his activities. She also discovers he hasn't left the space station, as everyone believes. His dead body is currently taking up space in one of her freezers. As Andi starts her new business she has to deal with people searching for the book, a landlord who acts more like a mob boss, and, oh yeah, that dead body. Will Andi find the book and solve the murder? Or will she be taking up freezer space?
I absolutely loved the idea of a mystery set in outer space. A different, completely unique setting that still has relatable characters, charm, and a well plotted puzzle to solve. Andi is fun and Cy makes a great best friend. I adore Maz and like the women that will become Andi's core friends on the space station. There were lots of clues sprinkled about and when Andi decided to learn something a bit out there for her, I knew that it would be important later on.

There were lots of twists and turns and everyone was suspect. The majority of characters showed more than one persona and everyone had secrets. Not knowing who to trust and watching people reveal their true colors as Andi and Cy not only tried to fit in and run a new business, but figure out the secrets of the dead body made for delightfully engaging reading. I loved learning about the space station itself, which lends itself to innovative plotting. The manner in which Andi revealed the killer was brilliant.
ANDORRA PETT AND THE OORT CLOUD CAFE is a unique mystery full of fun that tackles modern problems with an out of this world twist!


 Andorra Pett and the Oort Cloud Café by Richard Dee

About Andorra Pett and the Oort Cloud Café

Andorra Pett and the Oort Cloud Café
Cozy Mystery 1st in Series
4Star Scifi (September 25, 2017)
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 260 pages

Andorra Pett has left her old life behind. But has she only swapped one set of problems for another?

Andorra's on the rebound. Her only thought is to get a world away from her cheating ex. With her best friend Cy in tow, she invests her meagre savings in a run-down cafe. Never mind that it’s on a space station orbiting Saturn, or that Andorra is accident-prone and can't make toast without a recipe and a video. Surely running a cafe can’t be that hard, right?

Unfortunately, her dreams of a quiet life are not to be, she's bought into a mystery, trouble is just around the corner.

When the body of the previous owner is found in the freezer, Andorra’s plans hit some turbulence. She quickly finds that the dead man had enough information about the darker side of station life to embarrass a lot of people, they all want to know what he knew. And she’s in the way.

Andorra needs to find out where he’s hidden his book of secrets. Before anyone else does.

One of local residents must know more than they are letting on. As the body count begins to rise, can Andorra turn her luck around in time to catch the murderer before they strike again?

After all, she might be the next victim.

The answer to this cozy mystery is out of this world!

About Richard Dee

Richard Dee is from Brixham in Devon. Leaving school at 16 he briefly worked in a supermarket, then he went to sea and travelled the world in the Merchant Navy, qualifying as a Master Mariner in 1986.

He has also worked as an Insurance Surveyor, Lockmaster, Harbourmaster and Ships Pilot, taking over 3,500 vessels up and down the Thames, passing through the estuary, the Thames Barrier and Tower Bridge.

Since the publication of his first Science Fiction novel, Freefall, in 2013, Richard has written another twelve novels, a textbook and a selection of short stories. He has been featured in several anthologies, including 1066 Turned Upside Down, Connections and Tales from Deepest Darkest Devon.

He writes Science Fiction and Steampunk adventures and also chronicles the exploits of reluctant amateur detective Andorra Pett.

Richard is married with three adult children and five grandchildren.

Author Links: 


Facebook at RichardDeeAuthor 

Twitter at Richard Dee Sci-Fi  


Purchase Links - Amazon 


Friday, March 18, 2022

Ghost Agents Revelations - A Book Blast!


Ghost Agents: Revelations (The Ghost Agents Trilogy) by Nita DeBorde

About Ghost Agents: Revelations

Ghost Agents: Revelations (The Ghost Agents Trilogy)
Paranormal Cozy Mystery 2nd in Series
Mabelonia Press (March 18, 2022) ~300 Pages

A new mystery to pursue … a growing threat… Will she be able to stop them?

Claire Abelard has never been normal. She has always been able to see and communicate with energy projections, or the entities more commonly known as ghosts. As an agent of the Bureau for Historical Preservation, her abilities come in handy on the job, but they tend to complicate every other aspect of her life.

Now, four months after a series of world-shattering events in Galveston, Claire’s life is still in turmoil. No one at Bureau headquarters in Boston will even acknowledge the existence of the sinister secret organization known as The Syndicate, but Claire is convinced they are behind the disappearances of dozens of rogue energy projections.

When Claire hears that rogues in New Orleans are behaving strangely, she immediately joins the investigation. As she and her fellow agents unravel the new mystery, they discover The Syndicate has more ominous plans for the rogues than simply making them disappear… and it appears they have plans for Claire as well.


Ghost Agents: Revelations is a cozy, paranormal mystery that continues the story of Claire and her work with Bureau for Historical Preservation.

About Nita DeBorde


Nita DeBorde is a published author and teacher from Houston, TX. Writing and teaching are her two major passions, though traveling and being dog-mom to a crazy Staffordshire-Boxer mix named Mabel are high on the list as well. Nita has taught high school French for more than 20 years and absolutely loves her “day job” job (about 95% of the time). She loves to travel, and not surprisingly, France is her favorite destination, though her home state of Texas runs a close second. She is also a huge history buff, which comes through in her fiction writing, and particularly in her latest novel, Ghost Agents, a genre-defying, cozy paranormal mystery with a little sci-fi and romance thrown into the mix. Ghost Agents: Revelations, is the 2nd book in the Ghost Agents Trilogy. Nita’s first novel, Project Lachesis, is currently available in both Kindle and hardcopy format from  

Author Links:  


Facebook (@debordewriter)  


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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Currently Reading...

I am currently reading Andorra Pett and the Oort Cloud Cafe by Richard Dee. This book is the first in the Andorra Pett Mystery series.

When Andorra Pett finds her boyfriend in bed with her so-called best friend, she decides to get as far away from him as possible. She leaves earth and sets up shop in a space station circling Saturn, turning the now defunct cocktail lounge into a cafe. She soon learns the previous owner was a womanizer who kept a book detailing his activities. She also discovers he hasn't left the space station, as everyone believes. His dead body is currently taking up space in one of her freezers. As Andi starts her new business she has to deal with people searching for the book, a landlord who acts more like a mob boss, and, oh yeah, that dead body. Will Andi find the book and solve the murder? Or will she be taking up freezer space?

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Deadly Broadcast - A Review & Giveaway


The Eighth Deadly Mystery 

It may be Christmastime, but there's nothing holly or jolly about it. It's 1939 and England is engaged in the so called phony war. There are no happy cries of children as most have been removed from London and Olivia Redmond is missing her husband, who did not get Christmas leave. When Olivia literally stumbles over a dead body, her newspaper assignment is once again transformed into a counterintelligence operation. The victim was an engineer for the BBC and an informant against the IRA. Was he killed by members of the IRA? Or was his murder more personal in nature?  

Blackmail, terrorists, and a country in the early days of war set Livvy up for one of her most dangerous adventures yet. She's been in situations fraught with danger, but this eighth Deadly Broadcast mystery gets much more personal, and physical. 

One of the things I like best about historical mysteries is learning things of which I was unaware. I thought that once Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939 England was at war, real war. I was completely unaware of the "phony war". I also enjoy reading about real people. While the author generally shies away from it, this book treats us to Edward R. Murrow, and more importantly his wife, Janet. Janet is a fantastic character, smart, talented in her own right, and a great and helpful new friend for Olivia.

I love just about everything in this series and its most recent addition. Livvy is a fantastic protagonist doing what needs be done, even when she'd rather just work at the newspaper. So many issues are brought up, bringing some harsh realities of the time into focus. I love when Livvy lets Adam's friend have it. I was ticked off at Adam too, although his opinion was probably common then, and perhaps even now.

Hair raising moments, untrustworthy suspects, and a despicable dead man make DEADLY BROADCAST a gripping, page-turner.


 Deadly Broadcast: A World War II Mystery (Deadly Series) by Kate Parker

About Deadly Broadcast

Deadly Broadcast: A World War II Mystery (Deadly Series)
Historical Cozy Mystery 8th in Series
Setting – London, from just after Christmas, 1939 until mid-January, 1940
JDP Press (March 8, 2022)
Number of Pages ~320

The phony war has dragged out past Christmas into a dark and dreary New Year, 1940.

In the blackout, someone murdered BBC engineer Frank Kennedy, making him more popular dead than alive. A blackmailer and bully, he sold out his friends, assaulted his Broadcasting House colleagues, and sabotaged his employer.

Kennedy was also a government informant against the IRA. Despite arrests of members, the IRA is still planning more attacks against British civilians. Attacks Frank Kennedy might have been involved in.

Britain’s counterintelligence spymaster orders newspaper reporter Olivia Redmond to find Kennedy’s killer and learn which of the many motives led to his murder. Olivia quickly learns how vicious Frank Kennedy was and halfway hopes his killer escapes hanging.

Until his killer strikes again…

A clean read. No blatant sex, violence, or bad language.

About Kate Parker


Since she was unable to build a time machine in her backyard, Kate Parker immerses herself in research and then creates the world that lives inside each book that she writes. Her favorite place is London and her time travel destination is anywhere from the late Victorian era through World War II. Since she lives in the Carolinas with her daughter and a 95-pound puppy, the practical side of her is thankful for air conditioning and all the modern comforts of life. Comforts she will take with her if she ever figures out how to build her time machine.  

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Sunday, March 13, 2022

Front Page Murder - An Interview & Giveaway

I'm pleased to welcome Joyce St. Anthony to Cozy Up With Kathy today. Joyce writes the Homefront News Mystery series. FRONT PAGE MURDER is the first book in the series and was released last week.

Kathy: FRONT PAGE MURDER is a World War II era historical mystery. Why did you choose this time frame for your series?

JSA: The 40s is my favorite era! I love the music, the clothes, the hairstyles… Frankly, everything about it. I’ve wanted to set a book in this era for a long time and finally found a way to do it.

Kathy: Historical mysteries require a special kind of research. What is your favorite method?

JSA: I’m not sure I have a favorite method. Hit and miss maybe, lol. I’m really thankful there’s such a thing as the internet. I can’t imagine doing the research without it.

Kathy: In this first Homefront News Mystery we meet Irene Ingram, editor of a small town newspaper. While women were taking over male dominated jobs during this time, Irene's position doesn't sit well with some of the men. Have you ever been in a similar situation?

JSA: I’ve never been in that situation. The closest thing would be the ten years I spent as a police secretary. All but one officer was male. Fortunately, like Irene, I was good at keeping them in line. I inherited “The Look” from my mother. They knew with one glance to stay out of my office!

Kathy: What first drew you to cozy mysteries?

JSA: Probably because I couldn’t write a sex scene if my life depended on it. Plus, I like the fact that the reader sort of “plays along” with the author, trying to figure out who the killer is. When I’m reading a thriller type book and know the bad guy from the get-go, I often wonder what’s the point? I’d much rather try and figure it out for myself. I think cozies are not only harder to write to keep the reader guessing, but they’re more interesting.

Kathy: Do you write in any other genres?

JSA: I only write mysteries!

Kathy: Tell us about your series.

JSA: My previous three book series, The Brewing Trouble Mysteries was written under my real name, Joyce Tremel. My protagonist brews beer and solves murders in Pittsburgh. The Homefront News series features a small town reporter/editor in a small town in Pennsylvania during World War II.

Kathy: Do you have a favorite character? If so, who and why?

JSA: My main character, Irene, of course. I like how she does what she thinks is right no matter the consequences.

Kathy: Did you have a specific inspiration for your series?

JSA: I can’t say that I did, other than I wanted to write something set in the 1940s.

Kathy: What made you decide to publish your work?

JSA: I can’t imagine writing and NOT wanting to be published. I want as many people as possible to read my books. Hopefully, they’ll like them. If not, I don’t think I want to know about it, lol!

Kathy: If you could have a dinner party and invite 4 authors, living or dead, in any genre, who would you invite?

JSA: That’s a tough one. I can’t narrow living authors down to 4. I wouldn’t want to leave anyone out. Dead? Hmm. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Agatha Christie.

Kathy: What are you currently reading?

JSA: I’m reading a non-fiction at the moment. BAND OF BROTHERS for about the hundredth time.

Kathy: Will you share any of your hobbies or interests with us?

JSA: My latest hobby is making hard cider. I started over two years ago and I think I finally have it perfected. I just made a batch with pineapples and it’s incredible.

Kathy: Name 4 items you always have in your fridge or pantry.

JSA: There is always milk, beer, cider, and cheese in the fridge.

Kathy: Do you have plans for future books either in your current series or a new series?

JSA: The second book in the Homefront News Mysteries is titled DEATH ON A DEADLINE and will be released on November 8th. I’m hoping to write more in the series but I have to wait to see how FRONT PAGE MURDER sells first. Fingers crossed! My agent has two proposals for other series that hopefully someone will pick up.

Kathy: What's your favorite thing about being an author?

JSA: I like getting all these voices out of my head. Seriously. And I like it when I hear that someone loved what I’d written.


Front Page Murder (A Homefront News Mystery) by Joyce St. Anthony

About Front Page Murder

Front Page Murder (A Homefront News Mystery)
Historical Cozy Mystery 1st in Series
Crooked Lane Books (March 8, 2022)
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 304 pages

In this World War II-era historical mystery series debut by Joyce St. Anthony, small-town editor Irene Ingram has a nose for news and an eye for clues.

Irene Ingram has written for her father’s newspaper, the Progress Herald, ever since she could grasp a pencil. Now she’s editor in chief, which doesn’t sit well with the men in the newsroom. But proving her journalistic bona fides is the least of Irene’s worries when crime reporter Moe Bauer, on the heels of a hot tip, turns up dead at the foot of his cellar stairs.

An accident? That’s what Police Chief Walt Turner thinks, and Irene is inclined to agree until she finds the note Moe discreetly left on her desk. He was on to a big story, he wrote. The robbery she’d assigned him to cover at Markowicz Hardware turned out to be something far more devious. A Jewish store owner in a small, provincial town, Sam Markowicz received a terrifying message from a stranger. Moe suspected that Sam is being threatened not only for who he is…but for what he knows.

Tenacious Irene senses there’s more to the Markowicz story, which she is all but certain led to Moe’s murder. When she’s not filling up column inches with the usual small-town fare—locals in uniform, victory gardens, and scrap drives—she and her best friend, scrappy secretary Peggy Reardon, search for clues. If they can find the killer, it’ll be a scoop to stop the presses. But if they can’t, Irene and Peggy may face an all-too-literal deadline.

About Joyce St. Anthony

Joyce was a police secretary for ten years and more than once envisioned the demise of certain co-workers, but settled on writing as a way to keep herself out of jail. As Joyce St. Anthony, she is the author of the Homefront News Mysteries. The first in the series, Front Page Murder, will be (or was, depending on the blog date) released on March 8, 2022. Under her own name--Joyce Tremel--she wrote the award winning Brewing Trouble cozy mystery series. She is a native Pittsburgher and lives in the beautiful Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania with her husband and two cats--Hops and Lager.

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