Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Currently Reading...

I just finished reading Theft in Sleepy Hollow by Nupur Tustin. This book is the second in the Sophie's Adventures Mystery series and was released last month.

Jeanne Sophie Poisson is ready for a well deserved vacation from her job as a police secretary in Calais. Planning on letting her hair down with her best friend in Paris, she soon learns her vacation is starting early. And she's not going to Paris. Instead she's headed to Sleepy Hollow, New York accompanied by her "Uncle Arthur". There the pair will take a painting workshop given by a devious painter...who may well be a thief. Will Sophie be able to save a Monet?


  1. I hope you enjoyed the book, Kathy! I loved writing it, and it was absolutely wonderful to learn about Degas.

    1. I did! I love Degas too. I had a crush on one of his self portraits that was at the Buffalo Museum of Art when I was in high school.
