Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Pride and Principal - A Guest Post Interview & Giveaway

I'm happy to let Marc Jedel take over Cozy Up With Kathy today. Marc writes the Silicon Valley Mystery series. Pride and Principal is the sixth book in the series. Marty Golden is the protagonist of the series.

Marc (author): What’s with destroying all of Laney’s cars in this series?

Marty [quickly]: That’s not my fault.

Marc (author): Some might say it’s an homage to Janet Evanovich. Her character, Stephanie Plum, always seems to have her cars destroyed in many of Evanovich’s novels.

Marty: If you say so. I don’t have much time to read. Not to mention that I’m not some fictional character. Go ahead, pinch me. You’ll see I’m real.

Marc (author): No thanks. What about some of the crazy predicaments you always seem to wind up in?

Marty: Again, not my fault. I’ll admit to occasionally being a bit impulsive—

Marc (author): Occasionally?

Marty: Hey, I’m getting better at it. Some of the, uh, uncommon situations that happened last week were more Meghan’s doing than mine.

Marc (author): You know this will get published. Are you sure you want to throw her under the bus?

Marty: Uh, no. Definitely not. And now that I think about it, I have to say that none of these issues used to happen before my sister and her girls moved to town. Maybe all this craziness is really Laney’s fault. I wouldn’t put it past her.

Marc (author): Are you and your sister close?

Marty: I suppose we’re closer than we used to be. I mean, she lives only a few miles away from me now and that’s a lot closer than Spokane. [chuckles]. Sorry, I know that’s not what you meant but I’m not really one for introspection.

Marc (author): That’s kind of your motto, isn’t it? Avoiding introspection and leaping into action before you look?

Marty: Up until recently, I would have said my personal motto came from my dad: “If the appetizers are good, eat them. You never know what’s coming for dinner.”

Marc (author): Do you have any interesting hobbies?

Marty: You mean like wingsuit flying, jousting, or bullfighting?

Marc (author): Those are pretty extreme. Are those really your hobbies?

Marty: No, of course not. I’m not an idiot. My hobbies also don’t include tree shaping, extreme ironing, or competitive duck herding even though these are actual things that I’ve stumbled across while browsing the internet.

Marc (author): Seems like you spend a lot of time doing unusual searches?

Marty: Well, there’s only so much attention any one human can devote to staff meetings. I’ve got to do something to keep from going crazy or saying something I’d regret. But, in terms of actual hobbies, I enjoy hiking, surfing, and watching sports. Oh, and of course, hanging out with Meghan. Oh, could you please edit this interview to make that my first answer?

Marc (author): Of course, consider it done. Now, if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Marty: Good try. I know a trick question when I hear one. Next you’ll be asking me for my password and mother’s maiden name, right?

Marc (author): Okay, okay. Switching gears, how do you feel about your life being made into books?

Marty: I don’t understand. What books?

Marc (author): The Silicon Valley Mystery series. They’re humorous murder mysteries. Surely, you’ve heard of them? Nearly 200,000 copies are in readers’ hands?

Marty: Wow, that’s a lot of people. Congrats! But sorry, I’ve never heard of them. Lately, I’ve been too busy to read. I have had this feeling that someone seems to be watching me all the time and writing down whatever I’m saying. I don’t think I’m being unreasonable here. It’s as if the guy is inside my head and knows what I’m thinking. He follows me around everywhere. Is it paranoid if it’s the truth?

Marc (author): Okaaay. Thanks, Marty, for your time. That’ll be all for today.


My novel, Pride and Principal, is on sale during this tour. It’s available at: https://mybook.to/PrideandPrincipal. You can find all my cozy mysteries at: https://www.amazon.com/Marc-Jedel/e/B07H7MVKJL. They’re available in ebook, audiobook, and paperback editions, plus my novels are all free for Kindle Unlimited members.

I love hearing from readers. Follow or contact me at:

Website: www.marcjedel.com

Facebook: http://facebook.com/MarcJedel.Author

BookBub: http://www.bookbub.com/profile/marc-jedel

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Marc-Jedel/e/B07H7MVKJL Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18403497.Marc_Jedel


 Pride and Principal: A Silicon Valley Mystery by Marc Jedel

About Pride and Principal

Pride and Principal: A Silicon Valley Mystery
Cozy Mystery 6th in Series
Setting - California
BGM Press (April 23, 2024)
Number of Pages: 230

The school secretary has a sharp tongue but is she a killer? Can Marty do the math or will he get schooled by a criminal mastermind?

Marty Golden is frazzled. Struggling to juggle nieces, a rambunctious dog, a demanding job, and a serious relationship, the software engineer is never quite sure whether he’s coming or going. But when his nemesis begs for help after she’s accused of offing the school principal, the amateur sleuth agrees to hunt down the real culprit.

Confounded to discover the cantankerous woman stood to take the dead man’s position, he strives to find anyone who could benefit from discrediting the grump. And when his brilliant deductions and personal life implode, not even Marty’s groan-worthy dad-jokes can save him from an explosive threat.

Does this bumbling amateur sleuth have what it takes to capture the real killer?

Pride and Principal is the rollicking sixth book in the Silicon Valley cozy mystery series. If you like heroes in over their head, family hijinks, and plenty of wit and charm, then you’ll love Marc Jedel’s wild ride.

Try Pride and Principal to put two and two together today!

 About Marc Jedel

Marc Jedel writes humorous murder mysteries. He credits his years of marketing leadership positions in Silicon Valley for honing his writing skills and sense of humor. While his high-tech marketing roles involved crafting plenty of fiction, these were just called emails, ads, and marketing collateral.

For most of Marc’s life, he’s been inventing stories. It’s a skill that’s served him well as both an author and marketer. The publication of Marc’s first novel, Uncle and Ants, gave him permission to claim “author” as his job. This leads to much more interesting conversations with people than answering, “marketing.”

Like his character, Marty from the Silicon Valley Mystery series, Marc now lives in Silicon Valley, works in high-tech, and enjoys bad puns. Like his characters Jonas and Elizabeth from the Ozarks Lake Mystery series, he grew up in the South and spent plenty of time in and around Arkansas. Like his character, Andy, from the Redwoods Country Mystery series, Marc continues to grow older and would prefer not to run a bed-and-breakfast inn when he retires. Like all his protagonists, Marc too has a dog, although his is neurotic, sweet, and small, with little appreciation for Marc’s humor.

Visit his website, marcjedel.com, for free chapters of novels, special offers, and more.

Author Links Purchase Links - Amazon

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