Friday, July 5, 2024

Come Shell or High Water - A Review


The First Haunted Shell Shop Mystery
Convincing her friend Park Ranger Patricia Crowley to bring her to Ocracoke Island right after a hurricane may not have been the best decision, but Maureen was eager to get some answers only found on the island. After finding an exquisitely carved shell in the water and literally stumbling across a dead body, Maureen wakes up in the shop with two concerned senior citizens peering at her. Swearing she saw a man in a tricorn hat and hearing a voice no one else can hear Maureen wonders how badly she's been hurt. Unsure of what happened and with gaps in her memory she'll try to piece things together. But on the island who can she trust?

I had such high hopes for this series, shells, an island setting, and a ghost! Instead I found a convoluted storyline and unpleasant characters. The beginning of the story is very confusing with the reader as baffled as Maureen as to what happened to her. She's just arrived, then she wakes up in the Moon Shell shop, then it's back to just after she arrived and she's exploring. She has gaps in her memory, which is fine, but the reader is also clueless as to what's going in. None of the characters are trustworthy, thus difficult to forge a bond with or even like. The little girl is annoying and even Maureen has secrets. She's fairly judgemental too, at least when it comes to pirates. Eventually the confusion began to clear and I was intrigued to discover the various truths. I found the very end quite compelling piquing my interest in reading the next book in the series.

The first book in a new series COME SHELL OR HIGH WATER has seashells, a pirate ghost, and secrets aplenty. There are also delicious sounding recipes for some of the muffins that Burt makes.

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