Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Currently Reading...

I just finished reading A Scandal in Mayfair by Katharine Schellman. This book is the fifth in the Lily Adler Mystery series and was released yesterday!

Word of Lily Adler's ability to discretely handle problems that sometimes arise in polite society has come to the attention of young Miss Forrest. Believing that her uncle has stolen her inheritance, she begs Lily to find her departed father's will and prove her uncle's villainy. Uncovering some information, Lily is ready to wash her hands of the matter when she's informed that the uncle has been murdered and the girl's beloved accused of the crime. The more she investigates the more complex matters become...and that's not including matters between Lily and her good friend, Jack Hartley. Will Lily uncover a killer, or has the killer already been found?

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