Tuesday, October 22, 2024

In the Blink of a Pie - A Review


IN THE BLINK OF A PIE by Catherine Bruns
The Third Maple Syrup Mystery

To prepare for the holiday season manager Leila Khoury decides to try something new to bring more business to her family's maple syrup farm. The inaugural pie baking competition at Sappy Endings turns tragic, however when the curmudgeonly Margaret Middleton dies after helping herself to a piece of pie. But was Margaret the intended victim? She wasn't even supposed to eat the pie. Leila was. As business rapidly declines, Leila decides she can't wait for the police to solve the murder and, with her good friend Heather, starts nosing around. Unfortunately, it soon becomes evident that the killer isn't through and it's more than Sappy Endings' bottom line that's in trouble.

Despite the danger the third Maple Syrup Mystery gives plenty of warm fuzzies. Leila and Noah have a wonderful relationship that's growing stronger every day. The pair compliment each other so well. I also love how Leila and Selma are repairing their relationship, growing closer, despite Jenna's infiltration. Of course Heather is the best bestie and I love Toast most of all. It's this love, familial, romantic, and friendly, that makes you care about Sappy Endings and the people who make it special.

Even though I knew who the killer was halfway though the novel, as well as the motive, it didn't dim my enjoyment in the least. I watched as Leila followed red herring after red herring and wondered when she would finally realize the truth. I also figured out Emma's issue well before Leila or even Noah...and I don't even like kids! As annoying as I found Emma's behavior, I have to commend her actions at the end of the book.

With ratcheting drama IN THE BLINK OF A PIE captures the warmth of family and the delight of good food even as an unknown person threatens everything!

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