Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Currently Reading...

I'm currently reading The Socialite's Guide to Sleuthing and Secrets by S. K. Golden. This is the third book in the Pinnacle Hotel Mystery series and will be released next week. 

Though she'd prefer to be in her room at the Pinnacle Hotel with just her pets as companions, Evelyn Murphy has agreed to eat lunch in the Gold Room with her friend Henry. While admiring a tiara that was just delivered to her, ladies at a nearby table ask her to join them. As the hotel owner's daughter, Evelyn graciously sits with them and is soon given a sales pitch from Lois Mitchel, leader of the Ladies Love to Sparkle. As Evelyn peruses their costume jewelry catalog, Lois suddenly collapses. While it looks as if Lois suffered from a deadly allergic reaction, Evelyn's first thought is murder. While Evelyn Murphy has great difficulty with many aspects of her life, one thing she does well is find things...and that includes murderers.

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