Friday, November 4, 2016

Anne Hillstrom’s Shopping Wishlist - Guest Post & Giveaway

Anne Hillstrom’s Shopping Wishlist
By Vicki Vass

For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Anne Hillstrom, star of the Antique Hunters Mystery Series written by my good friend and fellow shopping enthusiast Vicki Vass. I love shopping. Not just any shopping, my passion is in finding antiques, lost treasures and novelties from days gone by. So, I can continue shopping, I connect people antiques, clearing space for more treasures. The thrill for me is the hunt and the reward is finding good homes for orphaned artifacts. As my dear Great Aunt Sybil would say, life is about obtaining memories, in the end that’s all we have.

Dear Aunt Sybil, I miss her so. CC and I named our antique store after her, Great Aunt Sybil’s Attic. Finding her murderer spiraled us into a world of mystery and mayhem. Clues, like antiques, need to be dusted off and sometimes pieced together but on to more pleasant matters.

I have been on the hunt in recent days, scouring eBay, estate sales and flea markets for finds for myself and our growing list of clients. I have a few treasures to share with you.

With the holidays rolling around, I’ve been researching centerpieces for a lovely table display and this antique cut crystal epergne certainly would make for a stunning table display. Couldn’t you picture the warm glow from the candles and wrapping it in holly?

Next on my list, CC’s Christmas present. CC, my fellow antique hunter, is a journalist and blogs about our adventures. At a recent estate sale, I found her this original Remington portable typewriter in its original case. The company has a long and storied history, starting by making firearms and then gradually making an entire line of typewriters, including this 1930s model. I can’t wait to give it to CC.

And, when on eBay, I always search for the most expensive item in antiques. Sometimes my eyes are bigger than my budget. This time I found a perfect Thanksgiving dinner accompaniment, this George IV sterling silver tureen, a mere bargain at $34,000. It is heavily embossed along its surface, and the lid features a mother eagle feeding its young. The body has large lions with ball and claw feet. Who could resist this? While slightly out of my budget, it means my hunt continues. I’ve learned that luxury items don’t always have to come at a luxury price.    

CC and I recently attended the Randolph Street flea market in Chicago, full of salvaged artifacts, stained glass windows, turn-of-the-century doors and to my delight, a Limoges three-piece tureen, handpainted with delicate blue and white flowers. The set is complete with lid and stand. Perfect for the store. I snap that up with a few other pieces. 

With the holidays approaching, I plan to decorate the front window with festive China, tablecloths and candlesticks. My white Persian Sassy and her kitten, Sybil, will keep watch in the front window as passerbys stop to look in. They’ve learned to tread softly through the fine china.
Thank you for letting me stop by and share some of my favorite things. Happy holidays!


Vicki Vass writes the Antique Hunters Mystery series. KEY TO A MURDER is the fourth book in the series and was released this summer.


  1. I haven't read this series yet, but I look forward to reading it soon. Sounds like a really fun read.

  2. Thanks for the chance. Would love to read this book!

  3. What an intriguing sounding new book. I would love to be the lucky one to win this book. Thank you for this opportunity.

  4. Sounds like a good read.
    Thanks for the chance.
    Carol Smith

  5. I really enjoy these cozies. Thanks for this opportunity.

  6. This is a new series for me and I'm looking forward to reading. Key to a Murder sounds like a fun read.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you! I had so much fun looking for them.

      Vicki Vass

  8. Thanks, all. This was a very fun blog post to write.
    Keep it cozy,
    Vicki Vass

  9. This will be my first book from you. It sounds cute.

  10. I think my favorite is the tureen. It's so pretty. Thanks for the chance.
