Friday, July 24, 2020

A Murderous Misconception - A Review


A MURDEROUS MISCONCEPTION by Lorraine Bartlett & Gayle Leeson
The Seventh Victoria Square Mystery

A quick check of social media turns Katie Bronner's world into a nightmare. Erikka Wiley has been plaguing Katie for months, flirting openly with her boyfriend, Andy. Now she's posted a picture with a sonogram hinting that she's pregnant with his baby! After a public confrontation with the woman, Katie needs to clear her mind, but an early morning run only leads her to discover Erikka's murdered body. Nothing would make Detective Schuler happier than pinning the murder on Katie or Andy, so Katie knows she'll have to investigate herself. What will become of her relationship with Andy? And what about Roy? Will she be able to stay ahead of  Detective Schuler's investigation? Or will she be convicted of murder?

Deception, trust, and relationships are the basis for A MURDEROUS MISCONCEPTION. There is also a dash of "what can we do to make Katie's life miserable". I've disliked Andy for some time now and have hated his nickname for Katie. In this seventh Victoria Square Mystery, I found his calling her Sunshine not only cringe worthy, it also made me want to punch him. In fact, I found myself wanting to punch several characters in this book! There is a lot of bad behavior in these pages, by several of its inhabitants. At one point I actually gasped out loud and turned to my cat saying, "Oh no he didn't!" I certainly hope that Katie is ready to cut some of the chaff from her life and start fresh.

A few new characters serve to perk up the series. I really like the addition of Moonbeam and hope that Brad, though not brand new to Victoria Square, will play a larger role in future books. I also was impressed with Captain Spence and hope we get to see more of him as well.

Plenty of suspects, plenty of action, and lots of drama work to make A MURDEROUS MISCONCEPTION a page-turning mystery.

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