Sunday, January 17, 2021

Murder Can Haunt Your Handiwork - A Review, Excerpt, & Giveaway


The Third Haunted Craft Fair Mystery

Leave it to Celeste's wacky family to get them thrown out of the Biltmore Estate. Although they don't mean any harm, her brothers and father can't help but bring chaos. Fortunately, Celeste is able to remain on the property to sell her paintings during the estate's craft fair. When she returns to the manor house to search for her keys, lost during her family's visit, she finds, not only her keys, but a dead body! With her paintings as clues and a ghost from the estate to help, Celeste doggedly investigates the murder. But will her desire to find the murderer be the death of her?

MURDER CAN HAUNT YOUR HANDIWORK is a cute mystery. Celeste Cabot has a cute retro trailer, in pink, and a cute Chihuahua named Van Gogh. (He is a sweet tempered Chihuahua too, not one of the yappy demons who would sooner nip than look at you.) Her truck is even pink, increasing the cuteness level. There is some danger and there are some unpleasant characters, but the cute factor far outweighs any drama.

My favorite parts of the story include Celeste's family. They had me laughing out loud at their antics. They may wreak havoc wherever they go, but their love and loyalty to each other also shines through. I also really liked the ghost, Mr. Vanderbilt. I loved how he helped Celeste investigate and enjoyed his comments about her suitors. I like both Pierce and Caleb and the rapport they have with each other, but I am not a fan of love triangles. I hope this one resolves quickly.

MURDER CAN HAUNT YOUR HANDIWORK is a light-hearted fun mystery. Plenty of laughs with a friendly paranormal twist make it a quick enjoyable read.

An Excerpt:

“Just tell them ‘no comment’,” Pierce said.

“This doesn’t sound good. Why do I have to say ‘no comment’? I had nothing to do with this,” I said.

“Nevertheless, they’ll ask questions.” Pierce projected an air of confidence that I hoped I could emulate.

“You don’t want to give them information that might jeopardize your case, right?” Caleb asked with a wink.

I scoffed. “Now you’re just mocking me.”

He chuckled. “Just trying to help.”

“I’m glad you’re getting amusement out of this, both of you,” I said.

They could poke fun all they wanted. I’d show them. I stood tall and pushed my shoulders back as we marched toward the crime scene tape. I couldn’t let this rattle me.

“Are you the one who found the body?” a dark-haired woman yelled as we crossed the tape.

How did she know? They found this stuff out so quickly. Someone must have blabbed. At least she hadn’t asked if I’d killed the woman. I didn’t even reply with a “no comment.” Instead, I didn’t utter a word. I kept my focus straight ahead. Smooth and confident, just like Pierce.

A couple other news people pushed microphones in my face. Caleb and Pierce shooed them away. I was proud of how calm I remained. I just wanted to escape the scene and get back to the safe haven of my trailer. I wanted to see Van. Perhaps I needed to leave the area for a while until all of this settled down. Chocolate cake was definitely called for. How would I tell my family about this?Could I keep it from them forever? Probably not. They had a way of finding things out.


 Murder Can Haunt Your Handiwork (A Haunted Craft Fair Mystery) by Rose Pressey

About Murder Can Haunt Your Handiwork

Murder Can Haunt Your Handiwork (A Haunted Craft Fair Mystery)
Cozy Mystery 3rd in Series
Publisher: Kensington (December 29, 2020)
Mass Market Paperback: 256 pages

A Gilded Age ghost helps psychic painter Celeste Cabot catch a killer . .

Rising up against the beautiful backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Biltmore Estate is a magnificent mansion in Asheville, North Carolina, built as a summer home for George Washington Vanderbilt II—yes, of those Vanderbilts—during the Gilded Age. Nowadays, it’s the site of an annual craft fair. Unfortunately, it’s also about to become a crime scene . .

Celeste is hard to miss as she pulls up with her pink and white Shasta trailer and adorable Chihuahua, Van Gogh—Van for short. But before she can show off her artwork at the fair, a tour guide is found strangled by a velvet rope barrier and a valuable painting goes missing. With a rogues’ gallery of sketchy suspects, Celeste welcomes the help of a pair of handsome detectives—and a ghost with a special interest in the case . . .

Includes tips and recipes!

About Rose Pressey


Rose Pressey is the USA Today bestselling author of the Haunted Craft Fair Mysteries and the Haunted Vintage Mystery Series. She enjoys writing quirky and fun novels with a paranormal twist. The paranormal has always captured her interest. The thought of finding answers to the unexplained fascinates her.

When she’s not writing about werewolves, vampires, and every other supernatural creature, she loves eating cupcakes with sprinkles, reading, spending time with family, and listening to oldies from the fifties. Yeah, she loves Elvis. She can’t help myself.

Rose lives in the beautiful commonwealth of Kentucky with her husband, son, and three sassy Chihuahuas.

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  1. This sounds so good. I love that little chihuahua.

  2. Sounds like a great mystery.

  3. Love the book cover and excerpt. Love books like this. Would love to read and review the book(s) in print format.
    Look forward to getting to know more about the author and their books.
    Hope I Win
