Friday, July 14, 2023

Genies and Gibberish - A Review


 GENIES AND GIBBERISH by Elizabeth Pantley
The First Magical Mystery Book Club Novella
(Magical Mystery Book Club 4.5)

It's time for the Magical Mystery Book Club to choose another adventure. This time they decide to head to modern day Arizona for a paranormal mystery. Not sure what they'll discover the Snapdragon gang find themselves walking up to an ultra modern mansion on a mountain. With an obvious and ostentatious display of wealth their host, Martin Shuttlewort, is an uncouth boor. Surprisingly, the man hosts a book club whose other members are neighbors and staff...each with anger and disdain for him. Partway through the meeting the housekeeper begins to scream. Martin has fallen to his death. The Snapdragon crew will have their work cut out for them since no one, except perhaps Celeste, liked the man. Add two genies to the mix and things get even more complicated!

The Magical Mystery Book Club meets up and mixes with another book club in this, their first novella. A slightly shorter story, the club also isn't at their full number of members. And while this book certainly works as a standalone, you'll appreciate things more if you have read the other books in the series; at least the third.

I appreciate how every member of the Magical Mystery Book Club is important, each bringing his or her own gifts to their adventure. While a true ensemble, I like how one member often gets a chance to shine just a bit more. GENIES AND GIBBERISH gave Moonbeam some time in the spotlight and it is wonderful to see her excel in her role. She's fiercely determined, and smart enough to craftily outsmart the genies at their own game. I enjoyed the glimpse we had into the Genie world, with special thanks to Mollie. The mystery itself was unique with its unlikable victim and a host of possible suspects. 
There was a bit of an odd vibe to the story however. It may have been the concept of half wishes or perhaps the fact that none of the book characters (as opposed to the Snapdragon gang) were very nice, and some were downright strange-I still don't quite get Trixie and Juliette. There was even something slightly off with the police.

The best part of a book club is the food and both sets of book club members embrace this idea. The delightful descriptions of the delectable food is a favorite aspect to the Magical Mystery Book Club series, that and the genuine love and friendship of its members. I love spending time with them, seeing them enjoying each other's company, even as they sometimes poke fun. Nothing is done out of meanness or spite, however, making this a truly feel good series.

Be careful what you wish for! GENIES AND GIBBERISH is a cautionary tale that is also a fun mystery filled with good food, friends, and plenty of laughs.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reviewing this books. Sounds so fun.
