Friday, October 30, 2020

Iced Over - A Review


ICED OVER by Heather Day Gilbert
The Second Barks & Beans Cafe Mystery 

Thanksgiving brings with it a wintry chill along with some ice and snow to West Virginia. Macy Hatfield is enjoying the season with her brother, Bo, and Great Dane, Coal, pleased with the success of their Barks and Beans Cafe. She's also happy with the employees, especially the bubbly young Bristol. When Bristol's uncle winds up in a coma and his partner dead in the crash of their armored security truck, Macy does all she can to help the young woman and her family. When it turns out that $500,000 is missing from the truck and suspicious strangers are asking about the truck and Bristol's family, Macy and Bo go on high alert. Was the crash really an accident or is something more sinister going on?

ICED OVER brings the warmth of Thanksgiving with a winter chill. The coziness of friendship and family, as well as the willingness to help others is poised over the darkness of treachery and cold blooded murder. The mystery starts slowly, reeling in readers in with positive vibes. The accident seems just that, an accident, for the most part. But as we get more involved we find more mysteries and suspicions rise against friends old and new...not to mention the major players who we later discover are also involved.

Aside from lots of lovable dogs, the thing I like best about the Barks & Beans Cafe Mystery series is its protagonist. Macy Hatfield is smart and loyal. She keeps the police informed and knows when to ask for help. She has a wonderful relationship with her brother as well as her dog Coal, who is a favorite character as well. I am so happy that the series promotes animal adoptions and shows the variety of animals that can be found in local shelters. I loved meeting Waffles and hope to see more of her in future books, hopefully in a home that can appreciate her.

ICED OVER is a smart engaging mystery that lures you in with dogs and coffee and leaves you satisfied with family, friends, and murder.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Currently Reading...

I'm currently reading Iced Over by Heather Day Gilbert. This book is the second in the Barks and Beans Cafe Cozy Mystery series.

Thanksgiving brings with it a wintry chill along with some ice and snow to West Virginia. Macy Hatfield is enjoying the season with her brother, Bo, and Great Dane, Coal, pleased with the success of their Barks and Beans Cafe. She's also happy with the employees, especially the bubbly young Bristol. When Bristol's uncle winds up in a coma and his partner dead in the crash of their armored security truck, Macy does all she can to help the young woman and her family. When it turns out that $500,000 is missing from the truck and suspicious strangers are asking about the truck and Bristol's family, Macy and Bo go on high alert. Was the crash really an accident or is something more sinister going on?

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Silver Shooter - A Review


The Silver Shooter by Erin Lindsey
The Third Rose Gallagher Mystery 

Things are going well for Rose Gallagher. She owns her own home where her mother and friend Pietro also live and she's proud to be a Pinkerton detective. Things don't stay calm forever, especially where the special branch of the Pinkertons are concerned. Teddy Roosevelt has come in from the Dakota Territory where there's been trouble. After the worst winter ever, things are tough...made tougher by men being found slaughtered. Thinking something supernatural is to blame Roosevelt has suggested Thomas and Rose investigate. Once in the Badlands the duo are freed from their New York City constraints, but also discover just how wild the Wild West can be!

THE SILVER SHOOTER is a pulse pounding adrenaline fueled read. Tension exists everywhere, from the Dakota locals, the Lakota, and the mysterious creature, to the sparks flowing between Rose and Thomas. Thomas and Rose are out of their element, yet they have the opportunity to reveal their true selves and enjoy freedom and taking liberties with societal expectations.

I love when historical novels add real life characters to the story and Teddy Roosevelt is a perfect addition to the story with his bigger than life personality. The historical accuracy adds such realism that the supernatural element appears eminently natural.

THE SILVER SHOOTER has enough thrills and chills to keep you riveted to the story, eyes glued to the page. It proved an emotional experience with moments of white knuckled reading interspersed with laughs, as well as tears. The ending left me speechless and wondering, not only what Thomas would have said earlier, if he hadn't allowed Rose to go first, but what will happen next.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Killer Outdoors - An Interview & Giveaway

I'm happy to welcome Jodi Linton to Cozy Up With Kathy today. Jodi writes the Southwest Exposure Mystery series. THE KILLER OUTDOORS is the first book in the series and was released earlier this month.


Kathy: In THE KILLER OUTDOORS we meet Andie Sullivan. She's the owner of Sullivan's Adventure Company. How did you choose this business for her? 

JL: I wanted to write a series set in the New Mexico mountain region. It’s a favorite vacation spot for the family and the area itself is very fascinating. I knew it would make great location for a book. And naturally my sleuth had to own an adventure company. I wanted to have a MC who rafts, hikes, camps, rock climbs, etc. And what better way to create an outdoorsy MC in the mountains than to have her own an adventure tour company.

Kathy: Andie has survival training skills. Do you? 

JL: I know how to use bugspray. Does that count?

Kathy: Do you enjoy rafting? 

JL: Very much. Every summer my family goes to Red River and Taos, New Mexico to raft.

Kathy: What do you enjoy most about the great outdoors? 

JL: If we're talking about Texas (my home state), nothing until the temperatures drop below 70 degrees. When it comes to the mountains, I love everything about it. The temps, the air, the smells, the ability to shut-off the world and just do whatever you want. There is no expectations when you’re outside hiking.

Kathy: What first drew you to cozy mysteries? 

JL: Back in 2015, I published a mystery, romance series with a publisher. The series is similar to a cozy plot in which one MC solves clues as they piece together the breadcrumbs, but it was heavy on the romance. I enjoy writing both genres, but I find I love writing the mystery plot better, and venturing into cozies seemed natural.

Kathy: Do you write in any other genres? 

JL: I do. Romance, Romantic Suspense and Romantic Comedy. I dabble a little bit in Thrillers, but have yet to release one.

Kathy: Tell us about your series.

JL: THE KILLER OUTDOORS is set in the fictionalized town of Bushwhack, New Mexico and follows Andie Sullivan, outdoors company owner, as she solves crimes in her mountain community. THE KILLER OUTDOORS, book 1 in Southwest Exposure Mystery series puts Andie’s sleuthing skills to work—she is the prime suspect in her ex-husband’s murder and must clear her name.

Kathy: Do you have a favorite character? If so, who and why? 

JL: Sheriff Zac Mars. Hands down. He’s a flirt, but protective. And I enjoy writing the back and forth Zac Mars has with Andie Sullivan. Zac is five years younger than Andie, and her brother’s best friend. Andie used to babysit him when she was in High School. So their relationship is fun to write, and I love coming up with new reactions for Zac Mars regarding that relationship.

Kathy: Did you have a specific inspiration for your series? 

JL: Red River and Taos, New Mexico.

Kathy: What made you decide to publish your work? 

JL: I’ve been a published author since 2015. This is my 9th published book.


Kathy: If you could have a dinner party and invite 4 authors, living or dead, in any genre, who would you invite? 

JL: My best writing buddy, Carmen Falcone. Carmen writes romance. Gillian Flynn. Kristen Higgins. Sandra Brown.

Kathy: What are you currently reading?

JL: I just finished reading LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE.

Kathy: Will you share any of your hobbies or interests with us? 

JL: When I’m not writing, I like to cook.

Kathy: Name 4 items you always have in your fridge or pantry. 

JL: Real Maple Syrup, Creamer, Milk and cheese.

Kathy: Do you have plans for future books either in your current series or a new series? 

JL: Yes. A plan to have at least 12 books in the Southwest Exposure Series, with the next two books already up for presale. I also have three more cozy mystery series that I will be launching on my upcoming writing schedule.

Kathy: What's your favorite thing about being an author? 

JL: Being able to get lost in the fictional world I create.


 The Killer Outdoors (A Southwest Exposure Mystery) by Jodi Linton

About The Killer Outdoors

The Killer Outdoors (A Southwest Exposure Mystery)
Cozy Mystery 1st in Series
Independently Published (October 5, 2020)
Number of Pages - Coming Soon

Welcome to Bushwhack, New Mexico: home to tourists, the great outdoors, and murder...

Tourist season has hit Bushwhack and Andie Sullivan--owner of Sullivan's Adventure Company--is ready for her town to fill up with city slickers, snotty teens, and the dollars she needs to keep her business afloat after her messy divorce from Bucky Gunn--local celebrity rafting guide and Sullivan's main competition. With all her guided tours booked, it finally seems lady luck is on her side.

But then Bucky is found dead. Not great.

And she's the prime murder suspect. Double not great.

Being framed for murder sucks worse than a rabid chipmunk bite. Andie's determined to clear her name, and this time her survival training skills won't be used to fetch an ice pack. But how long can she stay one step ahead of a killer before she becomes the final victim?


About Jodi Linton


 Hey Y’all, I’m just a girl from Texas, minus the big hair…and oh, yeah, a horse. My crew consists of two kiddos, one which inherited my makeup addiction, and a husband still living out his garage band dreams, but in our closet next to my shoe collection. I love to hang out with my readers, discussing books, recipes and just everyday shenanigans. I got started in the romance community, which you might know a few of my books from there. Now, I’m all about the cozies…and the coffee. Yeah, can’t forget that. I’d love for you to come join my reader group, Jodi’s Book Corner or come like me on Facebook to discover my books. And chat. Naturally.  

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Friday, October 23, 2020

Murder Most Sweet - A Review


MURDER MOST SWEET by Laura Jensen Walker
The First Bookish Baker Mystery

Teddie St. John is known for her writing, her baking, and her scarves. A mystery writer, Teddie is happily single with good friends and an adorable dog. Teddie is pleased to meet the dashing bestselling British author Tavish Bently at her friend's book store, but a menopausal emergency causes her to leave the book signing early. Deciding to take her pup for a walk, Teddie lets Gracie take the lead only to find herself behind the bookstore with Gracie barking at a dead woman. A dead woman with one of Teddie's scarves around her neck!  

A captivating mystery is just one of the things that make MURDER MOST SWEET a standout. I really like Teddie and her self deprecating humor. I understand her doubts about Tavish; is he truly interested in her or merely looking for information and deflecting suspicion from himself? I love her friendships with her childhood friends, their banter and camaraderie enhancing the cozy feel of the book. I also appreciate Teddie's relationship with her mother, a tricky one, to be sure. The delectable descriptions of the food made my mouth water and stomach rumble. I really want a taste of that Danish layer cake, but although the recipe was thoughtfully provided it's a bit complicated for me. I'll just have to hope I can snag a Kringle from Trader Joe's!

MURDER MOST SWEET is a delightful start to a new series. Good friends, delicious food, and bookish people make this intriguing mystery a hit.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Currently Reading...

I'm currently reading Murder Most Sweet by Laura Jensen Walker. This book is the first in the Bookish Baker Mystery series. 

Teddie St. John is known for her writing, her baking, and her scarves. A mystery writer, Teddie is happily single with good friends and an adorable dog. Teddie is pleased to meet the dashing bestselling British author Tavish Bently at her friend's book store, but a menopausal emergency causes her to leave the book signing early. Deciding to take her pup for a walk, Teddie lets Gracie take the lead only to find herself behind the bookstore with Gracie barking at a dead woman. A dead woman with one of Teddie's scarves around her neck!  


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Murder in a Scottish Shire - A Spotlight

Today I'd like to shine a spotlight on a book on my towering TBR pile. Murder in a Scottish Shire by Traci Hall is the first book in the Scottish Shire Mystery series.

The First Scottish Shire Mystery
For a twenty-eight-year-old single mum, Paislee has knit together a sensible life for herself, her ten-year-old son Brody, and Wallace, their black Scottish terrier. Having inherited a knack for knitting from her dear departed grandmother, Paislee also owns a specialty sweater shop called Cashmere Crush, where devoted local crafters gather weekly for her Knit and Sip.
Lately, though, Paislee feels as if her life is unraveling. She’s been served an eviction notice, and her estranged and homeless grandfather has just been brought to her door by a disconcertingly handsome detective named Mack Zeffer. As if all that wasn't enough, Paislee discovers a young woman who she recently rehired to help in the shop dead in her flat, possibly from an overdose of her heart medicine. But as details of the death and the woman’s life begin to raise suspicions for Detective Inspector Zeffer, it’s Paislee who must untangle a murderous yarn . . .

Monday, October 19, 2020

A Waffle Lot of Murder - A Review & Giveaway


The Fourth All-Day Breakfast Cafe Mystery

With the onset of autumn Gia Morelli is missing New York. Boggy Creek, Florida has it's own fall festivities, however, and Gia is persuaded by Savannah and the rest of her friends to participate in the town's haunted festival. Being in charge of a table serving her food is one thing, but Gia is not as thrilled to have her own haunted building. Things get even scarier when Gia and Savannah go to see the outbuilding they'll have to decorate and find the murdered body of the festival's organizer. At least Gia has no reason to get involved in this murder investigation. Or does she? 

Friendship and community are the hallmark of this series and the cornerstone of A WAFFLE LOT OF MURDER. I love how the entire community bands together to celebrate Halloween and support the local animal shelter. While Gia's friendship with Savannah is extra special, her other friends are almost as important. They gather together to support and help in practically all aspects of their lives and would do almost anything for each other. It's this aspect that can get some of our characters into trouble.

The fourth All-Day Breakfast Cafe mystery provides a complex mystery with several characters behaving suspiciously. Although fast paced there was time to promote animals adoptions, and adopting correctly and for the right reasons, which I really appreciate. Several exciting scenes had my adrenaline pumping and I'm proud of Gia for forgetting some of her fears, or at least not allowing them to get in her way. 

A WAFFLE LOT OF MURDER is a fast paced fun Halloween read. With friendship and community at its core this mystery will make you both smile and gasp and ultimately be thankful for your friends.


A Waffle Lot of Murder (All-Day Breakfast Cafe Mystery) by Lena Gregory

About A Waffle Lot of Murder

A Waffle Lot of Murder (All-Day Breakfast Cafe Mystery)
Cozy Mystery 4th in the Series
Publisher: Lyrical Press (October 6, 2020)
Paperback: 208 pages

For diner owner Gia Morelli, her seasonal fall menu calls for two main ingredients—maple syrup and murder . . .

While the first hints of autumn grace Boggy Creek, Florida, Gia misses the colorful harvest traditions she left behind in New York. On a scramble to make new fall memories—and promote her irresistible pumpkin spice waffles—things take a dark turn when she gets roped into the Haunted Town Festival, a spooky celebration held on deserted farmlands. The desolate area conjures plenty of eerie vibes at night, but Gia and her best friend, Savannah, are nearly frightened to death upon the discovery of the event organizer’s body buried in the nearby woods. More alarming, the local rumor mill says the woman’s shady dealings may have egged someone into sending her to an early grave. Now, there’s no shortage of creepy clues to feast on as Gia and her pals try to stop a killer with a very scary appetite . . .

Includes recipes from the All-Day Breakfast Café!

About Lena Gregory


Lena Gregory is the author of the Bay Island Psychic Mysteries, which take place on a small island between the north and south forks of Long Island, New York, and the All-Day Breakfast Café Mysteries, which are set on the outskirts of Florida’s Ocala National Forest. Lena grew up in a small town on the south shore of eastern Long Island. She recently relocated to Clermont, Florida with her husband, three kids, son-in-law, and four dogs. Her hobbies include spending time with family, reading, jigsaw puzzles, and walking. Her love for writing developed when her youngest son was born and didn’t sleep through the night. She works full time as a writer and a freelance editor and is a member of Sisters in Crime.  

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Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Angels' Share - A Spotlight

There are times I get behind in mystery series, even favorite series I really enjoy. Such is the case with the Wine Country Mystery series by Ellen Crosby. So today I'd like to shine a spotlight on its most recent release, The Angels' Share.

THE ANGELS' SHARE by Ellen Crosby
The Tenth Wine Country Mystery
When Lucie Montgomery attends a Thanksgiving weekend party for friends and neighbors at Hawthorne Castle, an honest-to-goodness castle owned by the Avery family, the last great newspaper dynasty in America and owner of the Washington Tribune, she doesn’t expect the festive occasion to end in death.

During the party, Prescott Avery, the 95-year old family patriarch, invites Lucie to his fabulous wine cellar where he offers to pay any price for a cache of 200-year-old Madeira that her great-great-uncle, a Prohibition bootlegger, discovered hidden in the US Capitol in the 1920s. Lucie knows nothing about the valuable wine, believing her late father, a notorious gambler and spendthrift, probably sold or drank it. By the end of the party Lucie and her fiancé, winemaker Quinn Santori, discover Prescott’s body lying in his wine cellar. Is one of the guests a murderer?

As Lucie searches for the lost Madeira, which she believes links Prescott’s death to a cryptic letter her father owned, she learns about Prescott’s affiliation with the Freemasons. More investigating hints at a mysterious vault supposedly containing documents hidden by the Founding Fathers and a possible tie to William Shakespeare. If Lucie finds the long-lost documents, the explosive revelations could change history. But will she uncover a three hundred-year-old secret before a determined killer finds her?

Friday, October 16, 2020

Pulp Friction - A Spotlight

Today I'd like to shine a spotlight on a book on my TBR pile. Pulp Friction by Julie Anne Lindsey is the second book in the Cider Shop Mystery series.

PULP FRICTION by Julie Anne Lindsey
The Second Cider Shop Mystery

From the back cover:

Nothing’s sweeter than a fruitful family business, and for Winona Mae Montgomery and her Granny Smythe, that means Smythe Orchards in Blossom Valley, Virginia. But this year’s apple crop is especially juicy—with scandal . . .
Thanks to Winnie's new cider shop, Smythe Orchards is out of the red and folks can get their fix of the produce and other delectable products they love all year round. The locals are even booking the shop for events, including a June wedding! Winnie couldn’t be happier to see the barn filled to the rafters for the big bash—until her doting ex, Hank, is caught in a heated argument with the groom. Winnie plans to scold Hank after the party, but spots him running off instead. And when the groom turns up dead, apparently hit by the honeymoon getaway car, Hank is the main suspect. Now Hank is on the lam, and it’s up to Winnie to get to the core of the truth—before the real killer puts the squeeze on her . . .

Recipes Included.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Currently Reading...

I just started reading A Waffle Lot of Murder by Lena Gregory. This book is the fourth in the All Day Breakfast Cafe Mystery series and was released last week.

With the onset of autumn Gia Morelli is missing New York. Boggy Creek, Florida has it's own fall festivities, however, and Gia is persuaded by Savannah and the rest of her friends to participate in the town's haunted festival. Being in charge of a table serving her food is one thing, but Gia is not as thrilled to have her own haunted building. Things get even scarier when Gia and Savannah go to see the outbuilding they'll have to decorate and find the murdered body of the festival's organizer. At least Gia has no reason to get involved in this murder investigation. Or does she?


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Kindertransports - A Deadly Travel Guest Post, Review, & Giveaway

I'm pleased to turn over Cozy Up With Kathy to Kate Parker today. Kate pens the Deadly series. DEADLY TRAVEL is the fifth book in the series and was released last month.

By Kate Parker

By 1938, the number of Jewish residents trying to leave Germany, and then Austria and Czechoslovakia, far outstripped the number of immigrants other countries were willing to take in. The Great Depression still left the industrialized world with high unemployment rates and every country wanted to protect their citizens from newcomers who would take some of their jobs.

A conference was held in July, 1938 in Evian, France with the aim of convincing countries to raise their immigration quotas. Very little was accomplished, and the conference ended in failure.

On November 9, 1938 in Nazi-held territories, a systematic program of looting, burning, and torture was held against Jewish citizens. Called Kristallnacht after all the broken glass in the streets, the next morning people found synagogues and Jewish owned businesses were destroyed and the buildings gutted.

Demand grew from Jewish citizens to leave Nazi-controlled countries for any place that would take them. A group of leading British citizens approached the government with a plan. They wanted to take in Jewish children and house them in England temporarily. The government agreed with the understanding that a fifty pound bond would be raised for each child to assure they wouldn’t become a drain on public revenue. Fifty pounds at that time is equal to nearly a thousand pounds today, and the chore of raising these funds and finding lodging for these children fell to various religious groups.

Between December, 1938 and the end of August, 1939, about 10,000 children from the very young to seventeen-years-olds came to Britain from Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia. These groups of hundreds of children, brought in by Jewish, Quaker, and other groups, were called the Kindertransports. Kinder is German for Children.

They traveled by train across Europe, locked into the carriages until they left German held areas, and then took the ferry from the Netherlands to Britain. These children left behind parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles, their homes, toys, schools, and everything familiar to them for the safety of a new land where everyone is a stranger who speaks a new language.

For DEADLY TRAVEL, I used a variety of details to create the Kindertransport in my story. In this case, it was a matter of using an historical event as the backdrop of a murder mystery and surrounding it with spies and danger. The story focuses on two little boys who escape to Britain under Olivia Denis’ care and how they still face danger.

DEADLY TRAVEL takes place in March and April, 1939, a few months before World War II begins in Europe. I try to show England through Olivia’s eyes as everyone faces the threat of war, and Olivia faces a new investigation that begins with the murder of a young Quaker woman who was scheduled to travel on the next Kindertransport.

DEADLY TRAVEL is the fifth book in the Deadly Series. Kate Parker is the author of the Deadly Series of pre-World War II mysteries, as well as the Milliner Mysteries set in 1905, and the Victorian Bookshop Mysteries. All three are set in London. 



DEADLY TRAVEL by Kate Parker
The Fifth Deadly Mystery

It's March 1939 and war is looming ever closer. A Quaker woman working with the kindertransport has been murdered and it appears that there is a traitor in their midst, giving information to the Nazis while shepherding Jewish children out of Germany. Olivia Denis is once again conscripted by Britain's counterintelligence service, tasked not only with finding the killer, but catching a spy as well. Her assignment is made more difficult once she arrives in Berlin when she's told she must also get the hysterical wife of a dissident and their two sons out of Germany with the rest of the kindertransport. Will Olivia be able to help get everyone to England safely? Will she succeed in finding the spy before more British secrets are shared with the Nazis? Could a Quaker, a pacifist, actually be both a murderer and a spy? Or is someone not truly a Friend?

I love everything about the fifth Deadly Mystery. From the rich historical backdrop and the deep characterizations to the well plotted mystery and the action packed story. DEADLY TRAVEL grabs you and never lets go.

DEADLY TRAVEL is a taut complex mystery that increases feelings of apprehension and worry as the story unfolds. The thought of being in Berlin in 1939 is already terrifying and adding the daunting task Olivia faces makes for heart racing, pulse pounding, page turning reading. There are scenes that take your breath away. Meanwhile, lighthearted moments throughout the book give readers a break from all of the tension. Moments Olivia shares with her fiance, time spend on the farm outside of London, and Olivia's attitude toward many of the men all give glimmers of hope and laughter. The characters themselves reassure readers. They are so well developed they practically jump off the page. I admit to having a bit of a crush on Oberst Wilhelm Bernhard and fear what will happen to him in future books.

Filled with historical detail that is both fascinating and chilling DEADLY TRAVEL is the best book I've read all year.


 Deadly Travel: A World War II Mystery (The Deadly Series) by Kate Parker

About Deadly Travel

Deadly Travel: A World War II Mystery (The Deadly Series)
Historical Cozy Mystery 5th in Series
Publisher: JDP Press (September 28, 2020)
Number of Pages 320

Travel to Berlin in 1939 is treacherous. Carrying out two clandestine missions in the enemy capital could prove deadly.

When a Quaker Kindertransport chaperone is murdered in the East End of London, Britain’s counterintelligence spymaster tasks Olivia Denis to join the group rescuing children from Nazi Germany. Olivia must find not only a killer, but a traitor relaying sensitive material to the enemy.

Once they reach Berlin, Olivia discovers she must rescue the family of an imprisoned British spy before she leaves the next day. An attack convinces Olivia the family’s two young sons are in grave danger, but where to hide them?

Can she protect the boys before they become the traitor’s next victims?

DEADLY TRAVEL, Book Five of the Deadly series, is for fans of World War II era spy thrillers and classical cozy mysteries, of intrepid lady sleuths with spunk and smarts. No explicit cursing, sex, or violence.

Continue your journey today into Olivia’s world of intrigue in London in the days leading up to war.


About Kate Parker

Kate Parker caught the reading bug early, and the writing bug soon followed. She’s always lived in a house surrounded by books and dust bunnies. After spending a dozen years in North Carolina, she moved to Colorado. The Rocky Mountains are beautiful, but she’d developed a love of wide rivers, warmer and wetter weather, and fast-growing greenery that sent her hurrying back to North Carolina.

DEADLY TRAVEL is the fifth book in the Deadly Series, and Kate’s plan is to follow it quickly with DEADLY DARKNESS, both set in 1939 in the days leading up to war. There are at least three more of the Deadly Series coming that will bring the beginning of the war to Olivia’s doorstep. Kate reports that she is having fun creating new stories to entertain readers and chaos to challenge her characters.

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