Friday, December 30, 2022

Death by Arts and Crafts - A Review


The Sixth Abby McCree Mystery 

It’s summertime, time for craft shows to pop up all over the country. As a new member of Snowberry Creek’s City Council Abby McCree finds herself acting as liaison between the council and the planning committee for the town’s first arts and craft festival. Tasked with visiting several other festivals to scope out logistics and check in with the artists coming to their festival, Abby decides to make it a girl’s weekend having her friends, Dayna and Bridey, tag along. Although unable to speak with the iron worker headlining the Snowberry Creek show and odd vibes coming from Dayna regarding her ceramics partner, Abby considers the weekend a success. That is until she comes home to find her friend Gage needs to speak with her in his official capacity. The Chief of Police tells her that the iron working artist was murdered, his assistant is missing, and Abby may have been one of the last people to see them alive.

Abby McCree is one of my favorite protagonists of all time. She's smart, generous, is always baking snacks and feeding people, and she's not afraid to speak her mind. One of the things I like best about Abby is that she has no intention of getting involved in murder investigations. She doesn't go around sleuthing. Murders just happen around her. She doesn't back down, but she certainly doesn't go looking for trouble. I also love her relationship with the men in her life, including Zeke. She's a solid friend, and perhaps something more to Tripp. I love how their relationship is progressing! She also has good friendships with women too, the older ladies of the quilt club, and her besties Dayna and Bridey. 

The mystery in the sixth Abby McCree Mystery compelling with higher stakes as relationships got more intense. I loved the variety of suspects and how the concurrent issues between Dayna and her business partner impacted the murder investigation.

An intricately plotted mystery and richly drawn characters make DEATH BY ARTS AND CRAFTS a fantastic read you won't want to put down.

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