Monday, April 1, 2024

Cats, Carats, and Killers - A Guest Post & Giveaway

I'm pleased to welcome Kahlua to Cozy Up With Kathy today. You can find Kahlua on the pages of the Urban Tails Pet Shop Mystery series. Cats, Carats, and Killers is the fourth book in the series and was released last month. Be sure to come back to the blog Thursday, April 4, 2024 when I'll share my review!


A chat with....Kahlua the cat!

Hello there! I’m Kahlua, Shell’s cat. I’m Shell’s first cat, a purebred Siamese that Shell’s mother gave her when she was still working on Spy Anyone and living with Patrick. I loved the L.A. life – in the apartment Shell and Patrick lived in, I had my very own room, complete with a kitty gym! So, as you might expect, I was a tad disappointed when Shell and Patrick broke up...and even more so when Shell decided to move us to Fox Hollow, Connecticut!

Moving to Fox Hollow meant that I also acquired a brother...Purrday. He’s actually a very nice cat and pretty street savvy. He lost an eye in a fight with another cat (but I understand the other cat came out of it worse). It doesn’t slow him down any, though. Purrday, as well as Shell and her friend Gary, all seem to have a flair for detective work. Me, not so much. I’m happy just chilling out at home taking a nap or hunting for mice!

The newest addition to our family is a silky red-haired Maine coon cat that Shell and Gary named Princess Fuzzypants. Purrday found her abandoned in the pet shop’s backyard. He certainly seems to be smitten with her. I’m still reserving judgement.

This detective hobby of Shell’s does worry me a bit at times. Not that she would knowingly put herself, or any of us, in danger, but hey, when you’re chasing down a killer you never know. She does have a rather close call in her latest adventure, Cats, Carats and Killers. Does she manage to escape? Do one of we cats end up helping her out of a tight spot? Well, you’ll just have to read the book to find out!

It’s been nice chatting with you, but it’s time for my cat-nap! Oh, and then I have to be sure I’m in the kitchen when Shell gets home, or else Purrday and the Princess might decide my food bowl is fair game..... 


 Cats, Carats and Killers (Urban Tails Pet Shop Mysteries) by T. C. LoTempio

About Cats, Carats, and Killers

Cats, Carats and Killers (Urban Tails Pet Shop Mysteries)
Cozy Mystery 4th in Series
Setting - Connecticut
Publisher: ‎ Beyond the Page Publishing (March 19, 2024)
Paperback: ‎ 182 pages
There may be honor among thieves, but a long-ago diamond heist might hold the secret to a man’s murder . . . Pet shop owner Shell McMillan is thrilled to see everyone in Fox Hollow flocking to the local animal shelter’s fundraiser, where they can get their old keepsakes and collectibles appraised and maybe even sell them for a tidy sum. But the event has drawn some shady characters as well, including Pete Martin, who seems determined to get his hands on a beat-up old jewelry box at any cost. Then Martin is found murdered, and Shell has to go from fundraising to finding a killer. It doesn’t take long for Shell to figure out that the jewelry box was concealing diamonds from a long-ago heist, and that Martin wasn’t the only one trying to get his hands on the stash. But to figure out who wanted him dead, she’ll have to uncover who was behind the original heist and who knows where the rest of the gems are hidden. It’s as dangerous a case as Shell has ever faced, and if she’s not careful, her search for the missing stones will leave her stone-cold dead . . .

About T.C. LoTempio


T. C. LoTempio is the award-winning, national bestselling author of the Nick and Nora mystery series. Her cat, Rocco, provides the inspiration for the character of Nick the cat. She also writes the Urban Tails Pet Shop Mystery Series, as well as the Cat Rescue series and the Tiffany Austin Food Blogger series. Check out her and Rocco's blog,, and visit her website,, for more information.

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