I'm pleased to welcome D. S. Lang to Cozy Up With Kathy today. D. S. writes the Doro Banyon Historical Mystery series. The Jammed Judges is the third book in the series and was released last week.
Kathy: The Doro Banyon Historical Mystery series is set in 1920s Ohio. Why did you choose this location and era for your series?
DSL: The town in the series, Michaw, is based on my dad’s birthplace. It disappeared from the maps many years ago, and it is now part of a large community: Sylvania Township. I live in (and love) the area and make my home in the City of Sylvania. The era fascinates me because life changed dramatically during the Roaring Twenties. Prohibition went into effect in 1919, and women got the vote in 1920. The latter also affected women’s roles, which is an underlying theme in the series. Doro is a college librarian, and she’s confronted with more than one dilemma in regard to being a female. She and the campus security officer work together and share ownership of a stray puppy, but Doro hesitates to get further involved with him. Married women are not employed at her college, or at many other places.
Kathy: Historical mysteries require an extra special brand of research. What's your favorite method to research this time period?
DSL: The internet has great resources, so it is easy to research slang, dress, automobiles, customs, and household matters there. I also like to use books from the era, when I can find them. One is a 1920s cookbook from General Electric. It touts recipes for their new electric refrigerator. There are a lot of gelatins!
Kathy: In The Jammed Judges two judges fall ill after eating extra portions of a jam roll at the town's May Day celebration. Do you enjoy baking? Or are you more apt to enjoy others efforts, perhaps even indulging in extra portions yourself?
DSL: I used to bake a lot. It’s a fun hobby. I can’t wait to make the shortbread in my current book. The recipe is a genuine Scots one, shared by a friend.
Kathy: What first drew you to cozy mysteries?
DSL: I enjoy whodunits without graphic violence, obscenity, or profanity. Cozies provide intriguing puzzles, interesting characters, and fun settings. They make nice escapes.
Kathy: Do you write in any other genres?
DSL: No, I don’t.
Kathy: Tell us about your series.
DSL: Both of my series are a blend of history and mystery. My Arabella Stewart series, set in Ohio near Lake Erie right after the Great War, features a female sleuth just back from serving as a United States Army Signal Corps operator. The town constable, her childhood friend and girlhood crush, served as a lieutenant with the American Expeditionary Force. The two of them are at odds over her sleuthing and his refusal to talk about her brother, who died in the war. Through the eight-book series, they work out their difference and solve many crimes.
The Doro series is cozier and features some fun old-fashioned events in the books. The Jammed Judges takes place during the town’s May Days festival, so I got to include a cakewalk, May baskets, and a picnic basket auction.
Kathy: Do you have a favorite character? If so, who and why?
DSL: Mac from my series is a favorite of mine. He is Bella’s partner and honorary grandfather. He’s a golf pro, originally from Scotland.
Kathy: Did you have a specific inspiration for your series?
DSL: Imagining what life was like 100 years ago, especially in small towns, interests me. Creating a town, loosely based on one that existed, gives me a chance to travel back to a fascinating decade in America.
Kathy: What made you decide to publish your work?
DSL: I’m always looking for historical cozies, and I know others are, too.
Kathy: If you could have a dinner party and invite 4 authors, living or dead, in any genre, who would you invite?
DSL: Helen MacInnes, who wrote wonderful suspense novels.
Isak Dineson. I loved Out of Africa.
Phyllis Whitney, who also wrote great suspense novels.
Harper Lee, I’d like to know more about the book that published she died.
Kathy: What are you currently reading?
DSL: I am reading Sisters of the Rising Sun, which is based on a true story. The women are prisoners of the Japanese during World War II. It’s heart-wrenching.
Kathy: Will you share any of your hobbies or interests with us?
DSL: I grew up playing golf, but don’t play anymore. I enjoy swimming and walking my dogs. Of course, I read a lot!
Kathy: Name 4 items you always have in your fridge or pantry.
DSL: Yogurt, hummus, grated cheese, and braunschweiger (for dog pill pockets!)
Kathy: Do you have plans for future books either in your current series or a new series?
DSL: The next book in Doro’s series will be out in late summer.
Kathy: What's your favorite thing about being an author?
DSL: I love making up stories. Like Doro, I have a vivid imagination.
The Jammed Judges: Doro Banyon Historical Mysteries by D.S. Lang
About The Jammed Judges
Historical Cozy Mystery 3rd in Series
Setting - Ohio
Publisher: Debra Sue Lang (April 2, 2024)
Number of Pages - Approx. 310
Journey back to the Roaring Twenties in small-town America and join Doro Banyon, college librarian and armchair detective, as she confronts another mystery.
Spring in the air, and Doro is looking forward to her hometown’s May Day celebration. When her friend Aggie wins the baking contest, their celebration is short-lived because the two local lawmen—judges for the competition—fall ill after consuming extra portions of Aggie’s jam roll. Rumors run rampant, especially when the town doctor pinpoints the cause as arsenic poisoning.
With the constabulary down for the count, the two friends must unravel the mystery. As they study possibilities, Doro and Aggie find plenty of dangling threads and likely suspects. Is someone trying to make Aggie look bad or get even with her? Or do area bootleggers want the police out of their way while a big load of illegal liquor is transported through the area? Doro resolves to crack the case before more trouble hits town.
About D.S. Lang

D.S. Lang is a former teacher, tutor, mentor, and program manager. As an only child, she often created stories to entertain herself when she didn’t have her nose in a book. She is still making up stories, but now she puts them in writing.
She writes historical mysteries set in small-town America during the Roaring Twenties. Her books feature women amateur sleuths dedicated to solving crimes, along with a team of colorful characters—often including a local lawman.
Author Links:
GoodReads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/21325652.D_S_Lang
Facebook https://facebook.com/p/Author-DS-Lang-100064024056297/
Website https://dslangbooks.com
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