I'm happy to let Marty Wingate take over Cozy Up With Kathy today. Marty writes the Birds of a Feather Mystery series. Farewell, My Cuckoo is the fourth book in the series and was released April 10th.
Time Flies – Or not, depending on what the author wants
By Marty Wingate
Time is fluid – and I don’t mean in any metaphysical,
string-theory sort of way. No, I mean in the pages of your favorite mysteries.
How else can we account for the Dorian Gray-like life of Richard Jury – Martha
Grimes’s famous British policeman who has been solving crime since 1981 and
hasn’t aged a day. And neither has his friend’s Aunt Agatha, apparently.
How the years go by is different for us mere mortals from
how it is for characters in a series. It’s a choice that the author makes – and
as the 24th Richard Jury book is out this year, Grimes must be doing
something right, no matter how slow time moves.
Sue Grafton chose a different route for her protagonist,
Kinsey Millhone. A is for Alibi came
out in 1982, and Grafton decided to free Kinsey within that decade. So, even as
our years went by, Kinsey plodded along only a few months at a time, using an
answering service instead of getting messages on her phone, and a street
directory to find an address. This had to be hard work, remembering the ’80s –
Grafton once said she kept forgetting how big our hair was back then.
For Julia Lanchester and the other recurring characters in
my Birds of a Feather mysteries, I’ve taken a middle-of-the-road approach. When
I’m in Julia’s world, I know how fast time is going by for her – and it’s
always tied into the natural world and the movements of birds. Perhaps for me –
for Julia – it isn’t the year so much as the season. When I arrived at the idea
for Farewell, My Cuckoo, I knew it
would be tied into the old rhyme:
The cuckoo comes in
And sings its song in
In June it changes
And July it flies
Right, so I had the time of year down (the book begins in
June) – but which year was it? This is book four in the series, and so I looked
back at what had happened last. Book three, Every
Trick in the Rook, had taken place in spring. Could Cuckoo follow hot on its heels and start up only a month later?
No, it couldn’t. Too many things had happened in Rook for Julia, Michael and the rest of
them to pick up and fly forward so quickly. Things needed to settle down,
patterns needed to be established, relationships find a new level. And so, I
knew that an entire year had gone by before the opening pages of the new book.
What would they be doing a year later? I knew instantly –
and I had my opening scene in a flash.
I hadn’t taken quite so long between book one (The Rhyme of the Magpie) and book two (Empty Nest). That had been a matter of
only a few months, just enough time for Julia to grow to love her little Pipit
Cottage before she was turfed out so that some major repairs could be
undertaken. First she got settled, then she became unsettled – and then settled
again, but for a different reason each time. When a person re-settles, it’s
never quite back into the same old ways.
Here’s another difference related to how time passes in a
series. Because I know these characters are living through events that will
change their circumstances, I want to see them grow (and get old –
eventually!). The passage of time happens to us all.
It happened to John Rebus in Ian Rankin’s books – the author
took his policeman through each year just as we all live through them. And when
Rebus arrived at the (then) mandatory retirement age of 60 in 2007, Rankin
retired him. You can imagine the uproar from his fans (me included!) We’re
fortunate Rebus has come back, and, although he’s one of those
consultant-types, he’s still the same old rascal.
Apart from Christmas books, it isn’t often that an author
releases a book suited to its place in the calendar. But Farewell, My Cuckoo is about working our way into summer, and so,
although the book doesn’t actually start in April, I’m delighted that it’s being
released during this most important month. Although, of course, I don’t expect
you to take all the way to July to read it!
Farewell, My Cuckoo By Marty Wingate
Cozy Mystery - 4th in series
Alibi April 10, 2018
Julia Lanchester must defend her love nest from an invasive species: her boyfriend’s sister. And then there’s the little matter of murder . . . “The cuckoo comes in April and sings its song in May. In June it changes tune and July it flies away.” Wedding bells are ringing in the small British village of Smeaton-under-Lyme. Julia Lanchester’s second-in-command at the local tourist center is finally getting married, and the lovebirds are giving Julia and her live-in boyfriend, Michael Sedgwick, ideas about their own future. But before anyone can say “Will you,” Michael’s flighty older sister, Pammy, crashes the party, fresh off a breakup and lugging all her worldly possessions around with her in a tangle of plastic bags. Before long, Julia’s cozy cottage starts feeling more like Pammy’s bachelorette pad. To keep herself from going cuckoo, Julia throws herself into her pet projects at work—until death disrupts her plans. First a body is found on the estate. Then the police discover that Pammy was the last one to see the man alive. And soon Julia gets the feeling that if she ever wants her home—or her boyfriend—back, she’ll have to get to the bottom of this mystery, even if it means breaking a few eggs.
About the Author

The Birds of a Feather series: THE RHYME OF THE MAGPIE
The Potting Shed series: THE GARDEN PLOT
Author Links
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/martywingateauthorTwitter: https://twitter.com/martywingate
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/453259.Marty_Wingate
Website: www.martywingate.com
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/marthawingate/
Amazon author page: http://www.amazon.com/Marty-Wingate/e/B001JS1AIS
Purchase Links Amazon B&N Kobo Google Play
I'm going to have to start this series. It sounds great! Thank you for writing a series I'd really be interested in!